February 2021 Session Highlights

February 2021 Session Highlights Reviewed the annual Statistical Report prepared for PCUSA. The Treasurer reported that contributions and expenses are currently in line with budget expectations…

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January 2021 Session Highlights

Re-elected Kathy Yingst as Clerk of Session and Steven Guenther as Treasurer for 2021.Approved a transfer of membership for Louella Grgic due to relocation.The Treasurer shared the 2020 year-end…

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Puzzle Exchange

Derry friends who enjoy working on jigsaw puzzles: we have good news for you! Starting Sunday afternoon, Jan 17, you're invited to stop by the bench outside the office entrance to drop off or pick…

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Co-Ed Softball Cancelled for 2020Church league for ages 16 & upPractices begin in AprilGames played once or twice a week, May through late JuneGames played at Veterans Park, off …

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Youth Ministry

L-R: God's Hidden Hands puppet team, Youth Group enjoys activities like our gaga ball pit and whitewater rafting adventures. Youth are invited to participate in mission opportunities, fellowship,…

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Pilgrim Fellowship

Now Meeting Online Pilgrim Fellowship -- for grades 3-5 -- meets regularly during the school yearPopular activities include bowling, visiting local nursing homes, an overnight lock-in at…

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Turtle 2’s Class

Turtle 2’s Class TWO-DAY OPTION: 9-11:30 am Monday/Wednesday OR Tuesday/Thursday FOUR-DAY OPTION: Monday through Thursday 9-11:30 am About: Children in the Turtle class must be two years old by…

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