Tech Time!
1-2 PM MONDAYS ON ZOOM Do you have a computer or software question? Want to practice Zoom in a safe, welcoming environment? Wondering why your cell phone is misbehaving? Confused about what a web browser is? No tech question is off limits in this weekly gathering on Zoom. Drop in to ask one question or...
Arts Alive Presents: Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyCONCERT WILL BE HELD IN THE SANCTUARY • AN ARTS ALIVE EVENT • FREE WILL OFFERING The Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster is a community choral arts program serving more than 150 children and youth in kindergarten through grade 12. Representing nearly 55 congregations, 45 schools, and 12 denominations, singers develop a rich musical repertoire...
Easter Egg Hunts
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyFor children age 0 through fifth grade! No charge to attend. Egg hunters will be sorted into these three groups: Birth through 36 months Age 3 – first grade Grades 2-5 Bring your own basket/bucket/bag to collect eggs and meet in Fellowship Hall. All egg hunts begin at 10:15 am. In the event of inclement...
Dinner + Movie Night
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyJoin Derry friends in Fellowship Hall for a movie-themed dinner followed by a showing of the 2008 musical “Mamma Mia.” Derry’s own Amanda Bentley is preparing a five-course Greek dinner, and your hosts for the evening are members of the Membership & Involvement committee. Child care is not available. RSVP in the Narthex on March...
Maundy Thursday Worship
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyOn this holy night, we gather in the Sanctuary for a solemn evening service with communion. Children participating in this year's Children & Sacraments program will take part in the service. Music will be presented by the Sanctuary Choir with organist Dan Dorty. Pastor Stephen will offer a meditation. Click to watch the live stream.
Good Friday Worship
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyThis service, led by Pastor Stephen and liturgists, will be held in the Chapel. Our guest soloist is Christyan Seay.
Easter Sunday Worship
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyCelebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Worship at 9 & 11 am in the Sanctuary, with Derry Ringers, Sanctuary Choir, brass quartet, and Bob Nowak on percussion. Both services will be live streamed. Breakfast is served from 8-10:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Chef Charlie Koch and friends are serving egg casserole,...