Youth Trip


Dublin: Tuesday, July 2
Derry youth and leaders left Ballycastle and drove to Dublin. They did a walking tour of the city that included Christ church cathedral, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin castle, and Trinity college. There was time for ice cream at Murphy’s and shopping. The group finished the evening with a Celtic Nights show… some of our group were picked to go up and dance!

Corrymeela and Rathlin Island: Monday, July 1
Today our traveling youth learned about conflict management styles and how to engage in hard conversations. They took a boat tour along the causeway coast and Rathlin Island and saw dolphins, seals, and puffins. The group finished the day with a trivia competition about what they learned on the trip, and shared highs and lows. On their last night, they played games and danced the night away.

First Derry Presbyterian Church, Londonderry: Sunday, June 30
This morning Derry youth and pastors led worship at First Derry Presbyterian Church! The group also took a tour of the Derry Walls. When they got back to Corrymeela, they played games and three went golfing on the Ballycastle course

Rathlin Island/Ballycastle: Saturday, June 29
Today our youth group in Northern Ireland played some team building games and then went to Rathlin Island. Afterward we had free time in Ballycastle and played some lawn bowling. A few folks took a very cold swim!

Giants Causeway/Dunluce Castle/Corrymeela: Friday, June 28
Our youth group visited the Giant’s Causeway and Dunluce Castle. The back window of their bus shattered on the way! In the afternoon they experienced an intense program that involved a game modeled after the famous “prisoners dilemma.” Then they had a long debrief and considered how the game and what they learned is reflected in some of the conflicts and challenges of the world.

Belfast: Thursday, June 27
Today our youth group went to the Titanic museum, learned about the history of the Scots-Irish at the Discover Ulster Scots center, and visited the murals and peace wall.

Corrymeela/Ballycastle Region: Wednesday, June 26
Today Derry youth and leaders participated in a morning program at Corrymeela where they learned about assumptions, differences, and the importance of curious conversations.

In the afternoon they crossed the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge and visited the Dark Hedges. After dinner the group walked to Ballycastle for ice cream, then along the beach on the way back. Jacob and Tommy took an impromptu swim in the cold waters of the North Atlantic!

Corrymeela: Tuesday, June 25
Our youth group has arrived at Corrymeela! The program starts tomorrow with a guest speaker who will share about the history of the Troubles.

Ready to go: Monday, June 24
Our international travelers are ready for departure!