Mendelssohn Piano Trio

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

Felix Mendelssohn described "the essence of the beautiful is unity in a variety." Inspired by this idea, Mendelssohn Piano Trio explores richness of the genre in three stylistically different compositions with their March 26 program. From Tyzen Hsiao’s “Formosa” Trio, a poetic tribute to natural beauty of Taiwan, and Beethoven’s uplifting Piano Trio Op. 70, No....

“Engage Stories” Live Storytelling Event

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

IN-PERSON-ONLY EVENT You’re invited to join us in Room 7 for Engage Stories, where we gather to listen to diverse stories told by our Derry friends, and engage with them through curious questions. It’s an opportunity to learn from the lived experiences of others. The theme for this event is “I was wrong.” Each storyteller will...

College of Elders and Deacons

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

All Derry members who have ever been ordained as an Elder or Deacon are invited to the 2023 “College of Elders and Deacons.” This is an opportunity to share your thoughts, experiences, concerns, and joys as Derry has transitioned out of COVID. Together we will build on what is going well and identify where gaps...

Chili Cook-Off and Square Dance

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

Warm up a winter’s evening at Derry’s 22nd annual Chili Cook-Off & Square Dance! We begin with a chili supper in Fellowship Hall. Those attending should bring a dish to pass: salad, dessert, or a favorite chili recipe. Informal judging will determine cook-off winners in the chili and dessert categories, and best-dressed adult, boy and...

Annual Meeting

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

The annual meeting of the congregation will be held following 10:30 am worship on Sunday, Feb 12. The meeting will be live streamed. Anyone who has questions or comments is encouraged to attend in person. The annual report will be sent by email as a PDF attachment in early February, with paper copies available for...

“Engage Worship” Features the Music of Elton John

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

Our “Story of Faith” series continues by exploring the story of love through the music of Elton John.  In worship held in the Sanctuary, we’ll sing, pray, and discuss the love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self. We’ll have some really familiar songs like Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me,...

Men’s Breakfast

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

Derry’s monthly men’s breakfast is back! Charlie Koch and friends look forward to bringing back this long-standing tradition of a delicious hot cooked breakfast in Fellowship Hall served with great conversation and a brief devotion. It would be very helpful to know how many men are planning to attend: please RSVP to Charlie Koch

Christmas Day Breakfast & Worship

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

On Sunday, December 25 — Christmas Day — worship will be held at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary and  streamed on, and Enjoy breakfast cooked by Charlie Koch and friends from 9-10:30 am in Fellowship Hall: your donation benefits mission trips in 2023.

Christmas Eve at Derry Church

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

Three distinctive Christmas Eve candlelight worship services will be held on Saturday, December 24 in the Sanctuary. Handicapped parking and an elevator are available. 2:30 pm: Worship includes Lessons and Carols and communion, with holiday music presented by the Derry Brass. 5:00 pm:  A candlelight service of Lessons and Carols featuring participation by children and...