Join the Derry Church Golf League
In April play begins at 10 am, and from May through September it’s an earlier start: 8:30 am. All skill levels welcome. Want to play? Contact Ken Pearl or Jim Warnock .
Amended Derry Church Proposal for Re-Gathering in Phases
March 18, 2021APPROVED BY THE SESSION ON FEB 24, 2021 AND AMENDED ON MAR 17, 2021 AND APR 21, 2021
At a special called Session meeting on February 24, 2021, the Session discussed feedback from the Feb 21 Listening Session and any changes that needed to be made to the regathering plan. The Session and COVID Task Force realized they had not fully considered starting phase 1A with 10:30 am worship. After discussion, the Session amended the Phase 1A regathering plan to offer 10:30 am worship with a maximum of 30 worshipers beginning March 7. Worship at 8 am will be offered later. The Task Force will re-evaluate what is being offered and how many can attend every two weeks and report to Session.
Offering 10:30 am in person worship better utilizes staff resources and time by only holding one service, and the 10:30 am service is accessible and inclusive of more people. This service will continue to be live streamed.
Registration is required for those interested in attending in person.
For each of these programs and activities, all established safety protocols and guidelines must be followed: registering in advance, social distance, hand washing, mask wearing, etc.
Phase 1A (Begins March 7, 2021)
- 10:30 am worship in Sanctuary (maximum of 30 people based on 10% of comfortable pew seating capacity)
- AA (using room 10 and the patio entrance along Mansion Road)
Phase 1B (Begins March 22, 2021)
- Communion when scheduled (using single-serving elements)
- Tuesday evening worship In the Sanctuary (maximum of 60 people)
- 8 am worship in the Sanctuary begins April 4 (maximum of 60 people)
- Outdoor worship
- Family worship in the Sanctuary (maximum of 60 people)
- Small fellowship groups, leader’s choice on where to meet (outside or 20% of room capacity. Children’s and youth fellowship groups can meet at this time.
- Funerals in the Sanctuary (maximum of 60 people)
- Derry Brass can meet outside with bell covers
- Non-wind instrumentalists including handbells can be live in worship
- Puppet team can meet as directed by leaders
- Small singing ensembles can be pre-recorded when well-spaced with masks
- Masked soloists, and eventually duets and trios, can participate in worship leadership from the choir loft
- GOD SQUAD working outside
Phase 2 (Begins April 21, 2021)
- 10:30 am worship in the Sanctuary while live streaming: focus remains on live streaming and the maximum congregation can increase to 15% or 20% (maximum of 60 people)
- Additional small groups
- Shawl Ministry
- JIF study groups
- Derry Brass, pre-recorded in the Sanctuary with safety protocols in place
March 17, 2021Week #7 of Pastor Stephen’s class, “Epistemology and the Search for Truth.” A fallacy is a kind of error in reasoning. This session, “The Folly of Fallacies,” covers some of the most common fallacies, and offers brief explanations and examples.
Mission Madness: Complete Your Bracket Before 12 pm Friday, Mar 19!
March 17, 2021Here’s the link to sign up and complete your bracket:
Proceeds will help to fund scholarships for Sargodha School students in Pakistan. A suggested $10 donation per entry can be made on the church’s secure online giving portal: select “Pakistan Scholarships.”
Questions? Contact Pete Steelman.
March 2021 Financial Snapshot
March 17, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 2/28/21
Income YTD: | $230,506 | $208,333 |
Expenses YTD: | 190,026 | 219,898 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 40,480 | (11,565) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are under 2020, but are generally in line with budget.
- Personnel is currently under budget due to fewer hours for some positions so far this year. Per capita not yet paid and insurance was paid in 2020, reducing Stewardship & Finance and Administrative expenses compared to 2020.
Tuesday Worship from Derry Church • 3/16/21
March 17, 2021Join Pastor Marie for a service of hope and remembrance reflecting on the great pandemic losses of the past year. This concludes our winter series of virtual Tuesday worship services.
Mission Partner Requests Children’s Clothing
March 17, 2021Recently we received this request from Rev. Mim Harvey at Stop the Violence:
We have a family here that had a house fire and nearly lost everything. They are asking for size 3-4-5t clothing and pull-ups for twin boys.
For more information, contact Kristen Campbell
March Updates from Presbyterian Women
March 17, 2021
Orange Day is Thursday, Mar 25, an opportunity to raise awareness of exploitation of females and to recognize those who are working to end it. In 2020, ecumenical Fellowship of the Least Coin project grants included two in Zambia: Chiseke Women Development Center in Lusaka and Hope Volunteers Women Empowerment. The first group encourages independence and self-employment in girl-children who are heads of households, as well as in guardians of orphans and vulnerable children of poor women. The second empowers widows, orphans and vulnerable children with a permanent place to call home so they do not have to live with or depend on people who sexually abuse or exploit them. Wear orange or an orange ribbon to show your support.
Spring Gathering of PW of Carlisle Presbytery: 10 am Saturday, April 17 on Zoom. Contact Sue Mummert, moderator, to have login information emailed you; include “PW gathering registration” in the subject line. Martha Manning will share her experience on the USAME trip to the Finger Lakes region of New York, where she learned about strong women and their influence on history. Suggested reading: Seneca Falls and the Origins of Women’s Rights Movement by Sally G. McMillen; Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom by Catherine Clinton; Born Criminal by Matilda Joslyn Gage, and Radical Suffragist by Angelica Shirley Carpenter.
Spring Reading Opportunities
March 17, 2021The Monday evening study group will Zoom at 7 pm. Contact the church office for login info:
- APR 5: Caste, The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
- MAY 3: The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
Faithful Readers will Zoom at 9:15 am Sundays. Contact the church office for login info:
- MAR 21: The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey
- APR 18: Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now by Maya Angelou
Download the complete Faithful Readers list for 2020-21 and check out the Faithful Readers’ Facebook Group.
Books are available in the church library: contact Teresa to borrow a copy.
Register Now: Krislund Camp Summer Programs for All Ages
March 17, 2021It’s time to sign up for summer 2021 Krislund Camp day, residential, and family camp programs! Check out the Krislund website for information or download a summer camp brochure.
Krislund is now hiring interns, program staff and counselors. Working at Krislund cultivates oral communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving, interpersonal and leadership skills, collaborative skills, and creativity. All positions are paid and include meals and housing.
Have questions or want to learn more from Derry folks well-connected to Krislund? Reach out to Valerie Minnich, Harold Nightwine, or Pastor Pam who is serving on Krislund’s board.
Sign up for the Krislund Corner newsletter
Hershey Ministerium Offers Lenten Virtual Worship Services
March 17, 2021For more than 70 years, Hershey Ministerium churches offered mid-week worship and luncheons for the community during Lent. This year, churches are taking turns offering virtual worship services that will be available by 12 pm each Wednesday. Find links at the websites listed below:
Feb 17: St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Service on YouTube
Feb 24: Derry Presbyterian Church
Click to watch the Lenten service led by Pastor Marie
Mar 3: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Click to watch this week’s service on Facebook
Mar 10: Zion Lutheran Church, Hummelstown
Click for a mid-week reflection and conversation with The Rev. David J. Schreffler, Pastor, Zion, Hummelstown; The Rev. Ursula Schreffler, Zion, Union Deposit; and The Rev. Martha Boyd, St. John’s, Hoernerstown
Mar 17: Church of the Redeemer UCC
Click to watch on YouTube
Mar 24: First United Methodist Church
Click to watch on YouTube
Mar 31: Spring Creek Church of the Brethren
Hershey High School’s Online Musical Includes Derry Youth in Cast & Crew
March 17, 20217:30 PM FRI & SAT, MAR 19 & 20
Enjoy an online performance of “Anastasia: The Musicial” this weekend! Click this link to purchase a streaming ticket for your household, then you will receive an email with streaming information for the performance you’ve selected. Ticket cost is $16.50.
Look for these participants from Derry Church:
Hattie Gavazzi – The Dowager Empress
Mayangela Speicher – Ensemble
Katie Bortel – Swan Lake Dancer and Dance Ensemble
Emma Taylor – Stage Crew
Ethan Barna – Tech Crew Leader
Mei Mei Barna – Tech Crew
Emma Burke – Pit Orchestra (Horn)