
Children’s Easter Worship

Pastor Pam and Mr. Grant lead you in singing the song we learned last week, but pay special attention to the verses: one of them is different this week! Mrs. Steelman tells us the second part of the story of Easter!

Books: Free to a Good Home

Spring cleaning is under way at Derry Church, and we’ve unearthed a number of Bible studies, books, and reference materials that are ready for a new home. Stop by tables in the Narthex to peruse the selection, and take home or share with others any titles of interest.

Thank you, Gardeners of Derry!

BIG THANK YOU to everyone who worked outside last Friday & Saturday on the church property and the Mission House. We are so grateful for the wonderful work the garden volunteers did cleaning up the church grounds and making it look so welcoming as Easter approaches. Shout out to Bill & Marion Alexander and their pickup truck, Ann Geist, Jeff Miller, Brad Rhine and his truck, Doug Ebner, Barbara & Joe Sciacca, Julie & Mike Yutesler, Barbara & Ron Holmes, Daniel Forslund, Bob Good, Cynthia & Ken Pearl, Tom & Nancy Kitzmiller & Ray Delo. Interested in tending one of the flower beds this summer? Contact the Kitzmillers.

Takeaway Breakfast on Easter Weekend Supports Missions

The Steelman family taste tested Derry’s Take-Away Easter breakfast and gives it rave reviews!

Ordering is now closed for takeout breakfast.
Pickup 12:30-2 pm Saturday, April 3: parking lot drive thru

Charlie and Marilyn Koch and their team of Easter breakfast chefs return with a special treat this year: they’ll be preparing single-serve portions of egg casserole and sausage that you can pick up on Saturday, then heat up quickly on Sunday for your Easter breakfast.

Suggestion donation of $5 per serving will benefit Bridges to Community (BTC), the non-profit organization which has coordinated Derry’s trips to Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic for the past 20 years. Additional donations gladly accepted!

A Double Thank-You from Presbyterian Women!

Thanks to all who contributed to the PW offering and “Bake-less” Cookie Walk. PW received $2,383, which means we are able to maintain the annual mission goal of $4,700 for 2021. Thank you!

Your contributions of $2,922 to the Blanket+ Fund were fantastic! That’s the best PW has done. Thank you!

Spring Cleanup: Two Opportunities to Volunteer

3 PM-7 PM FRI MAR 26 AND 8 AM-12PM SAT MAR 27 

Join the Gardeners Of Derry (G.O.D. SQUAD) and Building & Ground Committee to prepare the church grounds for the growing season. Bring your rakes, shovels, gloves, pickup trucks and leaf blowers along with a lot of energy as we tidy up in time for Easter Sunday.

Issues Class with Lee Barrett

Lee Barrett


Lee Barrett presents the first class in a four-week series, “Christian Perspectives on Polarization and Reconciliation.”

The pandemic, political turmoil, solitude, the disruption of ordinary routines, and too much Zooming have made many people anxious, disoriented, irritable, and angry. Society seems to be becoming so polarized that erstwhile friends cannot even talk to one another. Relationships in families, churches, businesses, and communities have become dangerously frayed, often leading to feelings of alienation and hostility.

This series will explore the roots of this problem, and the resources that the Christian faith offers for healing and reconciliation. Join the Zoom class on March 21 and 28 to hear more.

Dr. Barrett is the Mary B. and Henry P. Stager Chair in Theology, Professor of Systematic Theology at Lancaster Theological Seminary.