
Fall New Member Classes Begin


The fall series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Nov 24.

Registration is appreciated but not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).

Check Out this Opportunity to Visit Pakistan in October 2025

An invitation from Debbie Hough, former Director of Christian Education at Derry Church

I had never ventured very far away except for places in the United States and a few trips to Europe when the invitation came to go to Pakistan. Truthfully, Pakistan was not on my bucket list, but after meeting Veda Javaid Gill and learning that the Presbyterian Church (USA) owned property and schools in the Punjab area (thanks to Presbyterian missionaries), I said yes to the invitation and my life and Derry’s has never been the same.

Pakistan is a Muslim country that was created from part of India back in 1947. That was a very turbulent time and sometimes violence still flares up. Yet the schools once begun by the missionaries started to come to life in 1998 when the Presbyterian Education Board of Pakistan (PEB) was reinstated with Veda as their Executive Director. The public education system of Pakistan is not very good, and attending a private school for Christian children is nearly impossible because of poverty. As it is, only about 40% of children in Pakistan receive an adequate education. The PEB schools are exceptional schools and scholarships and boarding houses are provided for the Christian students. 

I first went in 2015. Dr. Tom Davis went with me when I returned in 2017. Then the Derry Twelve (as we became known) went in 2019. Tom Davis, Drs. Cindy and Bill DeMuth, Doris and Peter Feil, Lois and Greg Harris, Ann Geist, Ann and Jim Kroh, Rev. Nancy Reinert, and I made the journey to Pakistan and returned determined to accept the challenge we were given to provide more scholarships and build a wing on the Sargodha Boys School. Sargodha is also where Derry has focused on giving scholarships. 

Next year we have another opportunity to return to Pakistan, dedicate the new school wing, and meet Derry’s scholarship students and their teachers. I invite you to come along with Pastor Stephen and me from October 17-25, 2025. Costs are very reasonable for a trip of this length: $2,500-$3,000 should cover your expenses. One thing I can guarantee is that you will be changed as you see the sights, smell the smells, eat the wonderful food, and, most importantly, meet the hardest working, most dedicated group of Christians that you have ever met. 

Space is limited, so speak with Pastor Stephen or call me at (717) 265-4733 as soon as possible. Go ahead and add Pakistan to your bucket list – you will be blessed, no doubt!

Arts Alive Presents Silver, Wood and Ivory in Concert


The two-person orchestra known as Silver, Wood and Ivory will perform refreshingly original instrumental arrangements on flute, Celtic harp, and piano when they return to Derry Church next month. 

Tracy Dietrich, the Silver and Wood of the duo, was born with the gift of perfect pitch. She says that playing music came as second nature to her from the time she was a child. Tracy has played other instruments, but it’s the flute that has captured the passion of her musical voice. Tracy has mastered 19 different flutes and recorders ranging from the most primitive to the most sophisticated. These intricate varieties of flutes compliment her unique style

Cindy Wittenberg, the Ivory of the pair, grew up in a musical family with a classically trained mother. She began playing the piano at the age of four and began formal training by the age of eight. Cindy also learned to play the organ and the bassoon which allows her to draw from her symphonic experiences when composing music.

Together, this two-person orchestra of classically trained artists have fashioned a tapestry of music that stirs the soul. Tracy and Cindy both have instrumental performance degrees: Tracy from Indiana University of PA, and Cindy from Elizabethtown College and Peabody Conservatory.

PW Schedule Change

The PW Circle will delve into the issue of land justice at 1 pm Wednesday, Oct 16 in the Lounge. Scriptural accounts of divinely ordered conquest and laws of Jubilee that support the rights of individual landowners stand in tension but are rooted in the perception that all the earth is God’s. Everyone is invited to join the discussion offered one week later than originally scheduled.

Korean Food & Culture Festival


Performances by students of the Harrisburg Korean Presbyterian Church and the Selahart Group will begin at 11 am, lasting about 30 to 40 minutes. There will also be performances featuring traditional Korean music, traditional Korean instruments, and K-pop dance plus Korean crafts such as tote bags, accessories, and gift bags.

The food menu will include items like beef bulgogi, pork bulgogi, japchae, bibimbap, yukgaejang, and kimbap. All proceeds will be donated to refugees in the Harrisburg area and for North Koreans’ disaster relief.

300th Anniversary Celebration

Derry member and videographer Dan Poeschl captured program highlights from the recent 300th Anniversary Celebration Dinner so that you can watch it right here! Thanks, Dan, for making it possible to relive (or see for the first time) this special evening in the life of Derry Church.

Officer Elections on Oct 13

A congregational meeting will follow 10:30 am worship on Sunday, Oct 13 for the purpose of electing six elders and five deacons for the class of 2027, and four church members to serve on the 2025 nominating committee.

These Derry members have accepted nominations: 

Elders: Bobbie Atkinson (Membership & Involvement), Bill Alexander (Building & Grounds), Peggy Ladd (DDD), Kathy McGrath (Personnel), Lynn Shirk (Christian Education), Matt Smoluk (Communications & Technology)

Deacons: Courtney Garcia, Lynn Porter, Emily Spingler, Julie Harris, Twila Zivellio

Nominating Committee: Suzie Gloeckler, Heidi Keene, Chris Cooper, Sara Matthews

Trunk or Treat at Derry Church


Families, you’re invited to enjoy a safe space to “Trunk or Treat” with your little ones. There is no cost to participate, simply come in costume and enjoy saying hello and trick-or-treating with your church friends. 

Individuals, couples and families can join the fun by decorating their vehicles and providing candy for the “Trunk or Treat” experience. Let us know you’ll participate:

Register a Trunk or Treat Vehicle or Table

Register Your Trunk or Treaters

Candy donations welcome! Drop candy in the designated box at entrance #1.

Sept 2024 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 8/31/24:

        YTD      BUDGET
Income YTD:     $922,774     $873,867
Expenses YTD:      $805,524     $915,639
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:      $117,250     ($41,772)

Note of Thanks from Logos Academy

Dear Members and Friends of Derry Presbyterian Church, 

Words cannot fully express our deep gratitude for the extraordinary generosity of Derry Presbyterian Church. Your support over the years and most especially your recent contribution have been instrumental in making expanding our program possible. In celebration of Derry Presbyterian Church’s 300th anniversary, your gifts to the building renovation project account for almost a third of the funds needed to make fifth grade a reality. Thank you for making Logos Academy Harrisburg’s students a part of the recognition of three centuries of ministry in Hershey. Truly an honor!

THe investment is not just about bricks and mortar or drywall and carpeting: it is an investment in students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to benefit from a Christ-centered, private school education. It is our sincere hope and prayer that this investment will not only benefit our current students but will also positively impact students for generations to come.

On behalf of students like Iyana, Amauri, and Rhaegar, who have long hoped for the addition of fifth grade, and from the nearly 70 other students who will benefit in the coming years, we extend our heartfelt thanks.

We invite you to visit any time to see how your generosity is making a difference, impacting lives with the love of God and contributing to the cultivation of well-educated and virtuous young men and women.

A special thanks to Charlie and Marilyn Koch and their team for the countless hours of ‘sweat equity’ in the transformation of our existing space to a library, office space, and a music/art room.

Thanks again for your partnership in this unique ministry and congratulations on 300 years!

Grace and peace, Andy Phillips, Founding CEO