
Church Mailboxes have Moved!

Church mailboxes have a new home between rooms 1 & 2 on the lower level. When you’re dropping off information, please do check the yellow signs above the mailboxes and the shelf labels behind the doors to make sure you’re placing items in the correct box: names on many boxes have changed or have been consolidated into shared committee boxes.

Derry Members in the News

Derry Church celebrates with two Derry members celebrating service anniversaries at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center: 

  • Urs Leuenberger, 35 years of service, Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute
  • Tim Mosher, 30 years of service, Radiology

31st Annual Golf Tournament Benefits Bethesda Mission


This tournament is one of the longest running, most successful fundraising events of its kind in Central Pennsylvania. It has raised over $870,000 since 1990 to support Bethesda Mission’s long-term recovery programs for men and women struggling with addiction and homelessness. Read more and register

Note of Thanks

I would like to sincerely thank Pastor Stephen and Pastor Marie for the continued prayers and caring offered on behalf of Carl, as well as for me and our family. The kind and thoughtful messages of sympathy from the congregation will always be treasured and remembered. In Christian love, Carol Klinger

June 2021 Session Highlights

  • Reviewed the Treasurer’s report for the year to date. Contributions are in line with 2020 and budgeted projections for this point in the year. Committee spending is generally in line with budget.
  • The Session was happy to learn that attendance has been steadily increasing at both Sunday services each week. The nursery is open, and children are participating in worship and the Conversation with Children. Discussion centered on Derry’s music program and the wearing of masks by musicians/choir members and the continuing requirement for masks at the 10:30 service. Both singers and musicians have offered to show proof of vaccination if they would be permitted to participate without masks. After discussion, the Session agreed to remove the requirement that singers and musicians must wear masks when leading worship as long those participating submit proof of vaccination. Grant Wareham will be monitoring the program and keeping copies of the submitted vaccination cards. Masks will continue to be required for the congregation at the 10:30 service through July and August. The hope is that with the start of fall programming in September, the mask requirement can be lifted. 
  • The Christian Education Committee’s Library Team submitted a proposal for reorganizing the library to enhance the children’s section and create new gathering areas. Upgrades will include additional lighting, painting, adding new seating, re-working the shelves, and relocating the church mailboxes currently located in the area. The Session approved the proposed changes which will cost approximately $4,000.
  • As a part of the cemetery upgrade project, the Session reviewed and approved a Capital Procurement Requisition to restore the cemetery wall which will include power washing the entire wall, repointing approximately 60 feet of the wall, and rebuilding approximately 170 feet of the wall at a cost of $135,000.
  • The Session approved the purchase of a 12-passenger van to replace the current church van at a cost of approximately $54,000. The cost of the van will be taken from the Transportation Fund, which is funded through a generous donation. The current van will be traded or sold.
  • Natalie Taylor has applied for and been granted a scholarship from the Brong Scholarship fund.
  • The Personnel Committee recommended increasing the current wage rate of $14/hour for the Sexton position to a range of $15 to $17/hour. Advertisements for the open position of Sexton have not resulted in any viable applicants. Based on rates for similar jobs and the current labor shortage, the Session approved the recommendation. The Session also approved increasing Jeff Miller’s current hourly wage from $13.94 to $17/hour for his remaining employment. Jeff has served Derry faithfully and will be retiring at the end of July.
  • The Session approved, in principle, Derry Discovery Day’s request to hold a virtual fundraiser later this year. When details of the fundraiser are made, they will be brought before the Session for approval.

Hey, Kids: Go Trekking Through the Bible with us!

Ages 4 – Entering Grade 2: 9:30-11:30 am July 14-16
Entering Grades 3-7: 6:00-8:00 pm July 12-14

“Trekking through the Bible” is a special week-long adventure created just for the children of Derry Church. We will spend our time together “TREKKING” along with Jesus, Joshua, and Mary & Joseph. We will learn valuable lessons from each of these people, lessons we can carry with us always as we “trek” through our own lives. 

Each day will include time for stories, sharing, creating, singing and snacking. The church grounds will be transformed into our very own church camp and the children will love learning to navigate their way through our time together. 

Click Here to RSVP        Questions? Contact ME Steelman

Note of Thanks

Thank you to all the Derry Church members who sent me cards and prayers. I am blessed to be connected to such a wonderful church family and to feel your love as I continue to recover from the car accident. Blessings, Kelly Mehaffie

Derry’s Newest Eagle Scouts

Logan Holley

Logan Holley: Thanks to a partnership between Manada Conservancy and Scouts BSA Troop 200, the Cladel Preserve now has a kiosk to bring more notice to this idyllic space. Logan Holley of Derry Church’s Troop 200 completed his Eagle Project last fall, notwithstanding delays and new planning elements brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Logan led the planning and execution of the project which involved Scout and Manada Conservancy volunteers for a total of 189 hours of work over five months. He appreciated having an outdoor project to work on and hopes that the kiosk will let more people know they can visit the preserve and enjoy nature. As part of his project requirements, Logan solicited contributions for the kiosk materials and installation equipment. The kiosk was completed under budget, and Logan donated the remainder of his Eagle project funds to the conservancy. 

James Guntrum

James Guntrum: For his Eagle Scout project, James replaced the horseshoe pits at H.M. Levitz Memorial Park, Grantville. The existing horseshoe pits were constructed from wood that over time had wore down and were deteriorating. The old pits were raised, making it more difficult for the groundskeeper to mow in the area. The new horseshoe pits are constructed with PVC lumber to be more durable. The pits are lower to allow for mowing around them with a riding mower. Ammo boxes are chained to the backboards to store the horseshoes so people don’t have to bring their own. The total project cost was $770.

Summer Book Discussion


The Monday night study group selected Fredrik Backman’s book, “My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry,” for its summer read. Sandy Ballard will lead the discussion.

So Long, Softball Season

Derry’s softball team lost its championship game 10-12 on June 22 and another team has claimed the trophy we’ve had on display for the past two years. Thanks, team, for a great effort and a fantastic season! Your church family is proud of your enthusiasm, sportsmanship and unparalleled team spirit. Go Derry!

Derry’s Connection to the 2021 Olympics

Valarie Allman

Derry Church has a connection to an athlete who will be competing in the 2021 summer Olympics in Tokyo: Valarie Allman is one of the favorites for the gold medal in the women’s discus. Read about her stunning qualifying performance over the weekend.

If you were around in the early 2000s, you might remember Valarie, parents David and Lisa, and brother Kevin. This family photo is from the 2004 church directory. The Allmans moved to Colorado after they left Hershey.