August 2021 Financial Snapshot
August 18, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 7/31/21
Income YTD: | $741,642 | $729,167 |
Expenses YTD: | 669,191 | 769,636 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 72,451 | (40,469) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are behind 2020 and budget at this point, but the last week of July hasn’t been booked yet.
- Committee spending generally in line with budget.
- Cash flow at 7/31 is in line with last year.
Choir Opportunities for Adult Singers
August 18, 2021SANCTUARY CHOIR
Rehearses 7-8:30 pm Thursdays in Room 7 beginning Aug 26
Sings for 10:30 am worship services
Rehearses and sings occasionally
Rehearses and sings occasionally
Rehearses and sings challenging repertoire on occasion
Contact Grant Wareham for more information and to sing with any of these groups.
Singing opportunities for children and youth coming soon.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Report from Haiti
August 18, 2021The scale of the disaster facing Haiti after the Aug 14 earthquake is becoming clearer. The quake and its aftershocks have left almost 1,300 people dead, thousands more injured and an unknown number of people are still missing. At least 13,000 homes were destroyed and roads, bridges and communication systems have been severely damaged. This catastrophe comes on top of Haiti’s ongoing struggles with endemic hunger and poverty, COVID-19 and continuing civil unrest, and as Tropical Storm Grace bears down on the region.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is providing emergency relief and short-term recovery in the impacted areas through our established local partners and in collaboration with ACT Alliance and its members. The PC(USA), through PDA and together with regional World Mission colleagues, will remain active throughout the entire recovery process, accompanying our partners in the area as they determine long-term program needs and providing financial support for rebuilding and resilience.
As this earthquake (followed by a tropical storm) continues to cause destruction and loss of life, please pray with us that the communities affected by this event and those offering assistance will be strengthened, have their needs met and be reminded of the hope found in God.
To support the work of PDA in Haiti and around the world, give online by clicking here and selecting the PDA box, or write checks to Derry Church notated PDA.
Subscribe to Presbyterians Today Magazine: It’s FREE!
August 18, 2021Presbyterians Today is the award-winning, general-interest magazine of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Inside every issue you’ll find:
- Uplifting stories and photos about individual Presbyterians, congregations and church leaders
- Bible studies and reflections
- Christian perspectives on contemporary issues and events
- Mission news from home and abroad
- Denominational news and updates
Want to read it first? Feature articles available at this link.
In past years, there was a nominal charge to subscribe to the magazine, and now it’s FREE! Whether you’re a current subscriber who wishes to continue — or a new one — simply email Jackie Carter from the PC(USA) staff and let her know that you wish to receive Presbyterians Today. Include your name and address in the email. To unsubscribe at any time, email Jackie.
Derry will no longer have a group subscription, or be involved in the subscription process. If you prefer, you can also choose to receive it digitally.
How is the denomination able to offer the magazine free of charge? The annual Planning Calendar, used by many church staff across the denomination, includes paid ads that generate enough revenue to cover the magazine’s cost.
Notes of Thanks
August 18, 2021Dear friends, thank you for your prayers, visits, flowers and phone calls through all these years! Prayers were answered throughout this time. Praise the Lord! Sharon Jenne
I would like to thank my church family at Derry for their prayers, phone calls, the prayer shawl, and flowers during my recent tests and surgery. Bob White
Derry Day Trippers Organizational Meeting & Picnic
The Derry Day Trippers is a new group for active adults interested in taking local (and perhaps not so local) day trips.
Join Sue Whitaker and Pat Meilands on Sept 22 to talk about the possibilities: Wolf sanctuary (and time in Lititz), Longwood Gardens, Sight and Sound Theater, SpringGate Vineyard, and more. Bring a side dish or desert to share, and we’ll provide chicken as the main dish. Bring your ideas for trips!
RSVP to Pat Meilands. Please include your name, how many attending, and your phone number.
Get on the Meal Train for Loretta & Gary
August 11, 2021As Loretta recovers from a recent hospital stay, here’s your chance to make a meal for the couple who spends a lot of time feeding all of us: Gary and Loretta Chubb. Click here to sign up.
Scroll down to the blue box to sign up for meal trains for Teresa Hutcheson and Steve Miller.
Join Derry’s Fantasy Football League
August 11, 2021Are you interested in joining Derry’s Fantasy Football league? Contact Pastor Stephen for information on how to join the league. We’ll do online-only live drafts this year.
Sign Up for Family Promise Meals
August 11, 2021Volunteers are needed to take meals to Family Promise during the week of Aug 22. Currently, there are 4 adults and 7 children staying at the shelter. Please sign in at with last name: Promise and password: Derry. Questions? Contact Jane Robertson.
Can’t take a meal? Giant gift cards are always appreciated. Also, Family Promise is holding “A Back- to -School Supplies Drive” through Sept 3. Backpacks, notebooks, folders, #2 pencils, glue sticks, etc. are needed. School supplies and gift cards can be dropped off at the church.
Summer PW Gathering
“What My Grandmothers Taught Me,” an overview of the new Bible study by Erin Adams, and “The Faces of Foster Care,” insights of a foster care parent by Chloe Morris-Hodges, are the morning and afternoon programs for the Summer Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Carlisle.
A light lunch will be be available for a small fee. For the afternoon session, participants will fill 24 backpacks for children who arrive in foster care unexpectedly and with nothing. Donations are needed to fill the backpacks: toothbrushes, toothpastes, deodorant, shampoo, and soap or body wash. Attendees are asked to bring item(s) for the session. To carpool, contact Doris Feil.
Sign Up for the Lasses & Lassies Banquet
On the menu: appetizers (cheese and vegetables), stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes, baked corn, green bean/carrot medley, bun and light dessert. Cost: $15 for ages 12 and up, $5 for ages 5-11, free for age 4 and under. Contact Doris Feil to order a gluten-free or vegetarian meal. Masks will be required at all times except when seated at the table to eat the meal.
“Who Is She? Women of the Bible Fashion Show” will follow the meal. Purchase tickets on Sunday, Aug 22 & 29 and Sept 5 after the service, or from the church office during the week. RSVP required by Sept 5
Racetrack Chaplaincy Seeks Social Services Facilitator/Advocate
August 11, 2021
The Chaplaincy at Penn National Race Course in Grantville is looking for a Social Services Coordinator. This ministry is affiliated with the Race Track Chaplaincy of America which was founded in 1972 as an evangelical organization geared to bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the men and women working in the horse racing industry.
The Chaplaincy seeks a person with a deep love for Jesus Christ and a compassionate heart for those who work in this unique setting. The position is for 15-20 hours a week. The hours are somewhat flexible, but would need to include some morning and early afternoon time to be available to the horsemen. The job involves serving on a team with the full-time chaplain, a part-time administrative assistant and a board of directors. Click to view and download the job description.