
Office Suite Takes the Brunt of Church Plumbing Problem

Amid all the fun and excitement of Derry’s big anniversary weekend in September, a blocked pipe caused a big plumbing problem in the office suite. Pastor Stephen’s office and bathroom, being the lowest point, suffered the greatest impact. Our stellar Building & Grounds committee and maintenance team got to work. Charlie and Marilyn Koch have been replacing drywall and sanding and finishing the walls. Rooms will be painted and plans are underway to replace 30-year-old carpeting in the office suite and atrium library. Thanks to everyone who has pitched in to help, and for the staff’s fortitude in bearing with the upheaval.

New carpeting will be installed Nov 15-18. The church office will be closed Friday, Nov 15.

Ways You Can Support our Tiny Home Veterans

In honor of Veterans Day, donations of bathroom cleaning products, paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels), and Sheetz and WaWa gift cards are being collected by the Mission and Peace committee for the Veterans Outreach of Pennsylvania (VOPA), where Derry Church sponsored the building of a tiny home for homeless veterans in Harrisburg. Drop donations in the VOPA bin in Derry’s Mission Closet (lower level) by Sunday, Nov 10. For more information, contact Ashley Shields.

A Reminder from Nurse Beckie: Get Your Flu Shot

It is almost the end of October, but it is not too late to get your flu shot. The CDC recommends that everyone age six months and older get a yearly flu shot. The shot can be given anytime during flu season beginning in September, however, the earlier the better.

After getting the shot, it takes an average of two weeks for immunity to occur. A flu shot helps protect from getting the flu, or if you do get it, decreases severity of the illness. It can also prevent hospitalizations and associated illnesses, especially in the elderly.

Most health insurance plans cover the cost of the flu shot as preventive care. Flu vaccination is also offered to the public at either low or no cost to those with no health insurance. People with an egg allergy may now get the vaccine.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Nurse Beckie or your health care provider.

Wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere!

Post-Worship Fellowship: What You Need to Know

  • The host for each Sunday is expected to be in the kitchen by 10 am to complete any final setup that’s required. There may be some instructions on the kitchen counter from Amanda, our Hospitality Coordinator.
  • The host is responsible for pouring drinks, greeting folks and getting to know other members and guests following the 10:30 am service.
  • The host should refill drink pitchers as needed.
  • Cleanup involves returning all food and drink items to the kitchen counter, and refrigerating any items that require refrigeration.
  • Do not bring any food items with you unless you have made arrangements in advance with Amanda. You can call or text her at 717-395-3461. 

Everyone is welcome to be a host: individuals, families, groups, Shepherd Groups, friends! Be sure to sign up on the volunteer portal so we know who to expect that day. Or you can call Kathy Yingst at the church office (717-533-9667) and she will sign you up.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Remember, you do not have to bring or make anything, just show up and be a great host!

Karen Carns, Chair
Membership Connections

Bake Some Treats for Derry’s First-Ever Election Day Bake Sale

Derry bakers, donate your favorite sweet creations to Derry’s first-ever Election Day bake sale. Your efforts will support a new initiative from the Mission & Peace Committee: English as a Second Language classes that will begin early next year at Derry Church.

Drop off individually wrapped baked goods on Sunday, Nov 3 or Monday, Nov 4. The bake sale will take place on Tuesday morning in the atrium library and hallway leading to Room 7, and include soup made by Amanda Bentley, our hospitality coordinator. Questions? Contact Jane Robertson

Visit & Volunteer at the Mennonite Central Committee 


Members of the Monday Night Study Group invite you to join them for a tour and volunteer opportunity at the Mennonite Central Committee’s Material Resource Center in Ephrata. We’ll learn about their operations, then they’ll put us to work doing whatever projects are available that day. Dress comfortably. When we finish by 1 pm, we’ll stop for lunch at Fox Meadow Creamery (you’re responsible for your own meal) before heading back to church. RSVP to Claudia Holtzman by Thursday, Nov 7.

Hurricane Recovery Update from the Montreat Conference Center

The conference center and its campus took a wallop from the storm and, in the immediate aftermath, shifted to be an emergency and information hub for the community, supporting the town staff in their efforts to locate residents and gain access to homes.

Meanwhile, it has received an outpouring of support from past visitors of the center concerned about the staff and the surrounding community. Read more in this report from the Presbyterian Mission Agency. 

Sept 2024 Session Highlights

  • Approved updates to the active membership roll: removed Michelle Califf who has moved to New York and is attending a new church and transferred Bonnie Houtz’s membership to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Lebanon.
  • Called a Congregational meeting for Sunday, December 8 to review and approve 2025 Terms of Call for Pastor Stephen.
  • Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee giving a positive outlook – expenses are below budget and giving continues to be strong.
  • Pastor Stephen presented a proposed statement and application for Derry’s new grant program, “Churches Helping Churches.” He has spoken with the Presbytery leaders and received permission to present the grant at the next Presbytery meeting on November 6. Session approved the program. More information can be found at this link.
  • This year’s Stewardship campaign, “Share the Love that Shapes Us,” will begin on Sunday September 29 and continue through Sunday, November 10 with a congregational luncheon in Fellowship Hall following worship. There will be no 8 am worship that day so that we can worship and celebrate as one church family. An informational meeting to review the 2025 budget will occur on Sunday, October 6 at 8:45 (Chapel) and 11:45 (Room 7 & Zoom).
  • Amanda Bentley was approved to receive two credit cards for purchasing hospitality supplies – a Visa card and Sam’s Club card.
  • Thee Personnel committee requested approval to overrun their budget due unforeseen expenses associated with the onboarding and training of new employees.

October Bike Rides + Ice Cream Social


Everyone is welcome to join a fall bike ride with Derry friends! A short pre-ride orientation gives riders background on the evening’s bike tour routes:

No prior group bicycle ride experience is necessary. No one will be left behind. No special attire is necessary, however bicycle helmets are required. Youth must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Planning to ride? Call or text David Whitenack at 717-881-0757.