
What’s Next for the Derry Day Trippers?

The Derry Day Trippers had a successful kick-off picnic at Memorial Lake Park last week and have planned these upcoming day trips:

  • Thursday, Oct 21: Lititz and Bird-in Hand. Carpool from church and have lunch at 11:30 at the Tomato Pie Café (and maybe even make a quick stop at the Wilbur Chocolate Factory). Then go to the Farmer’s Market in Bird-in Hand and  the Amish Experience for the 3:00–4:30 tour of an Amish home and school, followed by the five-screen movie experience “Jacob’s Choice” about the choice the young people must make during Rumspringa to remain in the Amish community or to leave. Cost is $19.95 for the Amish Experience (in addition to the cost of your own lunch). Once you sign up, you are obligated as your tickets will be purchased. Sign up by Oct 2
  • Wednesday, Nov 10: Visit the Van Gogh Immersion Experience in Philadelphia. The experience lasts an hour to an hour and a half, then have lunch as a group. Carpool departs by 8:30 am for the scheduled 11 am entry to the exhibition. Cost is $34.50 plus $5.00 ticketing charge. Once you sign up, you are obligated as your tickets will be purchased. Sign up TODAY (Sept 30) — these tickets are going fast!
  • In December we are planning a trip to Longwood Gardens. Stay tuned for more information.

Checks should be sent or taken to the church clearly marked on the memo line for the event for which you are paying.   

Free Flu Shot Drive-Thru Clinic


  • Penn State Health is holding a free drive-thru flu shot clinic for ages three and older
  • No ID or insurance required
  • Face masks required
  • Adults must be able to access the middle part of their arm to receive a shot, so loose-fitting clothes are recommended
  • Reservations suggested but not required: please click here to register each person over the age of three who will receive a shot

Notes of Thanks

Derry Family and Friends, it’s been a long time coming, but I would like to reach out and thank each of you for your phone calls, cards, words of encouragement and especially the prayers that you sent our way. The last 16 months have sometimes been difficult for me. With God’s help, on August 10 I was blessed with another lung. I am at home recovering and each day I feel myself getting stronger because of your prayers. Keep them coming. Thank you again for all of your continuing thoughts and prayers. Although I do not know who my donor is for my new lung, please keep his family in your prayers through the difficult time they must be experiencing. Until we meet again at Derry! Peace to all, Jim Carns

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we greatly appreciate your gift of $3,000 in August. We are tremendously blessed by this partnership. Thanks to you, we added a weekly dental hygiene clinic which is in high demand. God bless our siblings in Christ at Derry. Rev. Andrew Stockstill, Christ Lutheran Church, Harrisburg

An Afternoon with Presbybop Music

Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet (2008)


Bill Carter and his quartet last played at Derry Church in 2013 , which means our newest Derry Church members and friends haven’t yet had the opportunity to hear the ensemble’s jazz music that glorifies God, renews the Christian church, and models the integration of faith and the arts. Click to sample their music, then save the date and get ready for an afternoon of music that adds new dimensions to the faith and worship of the Christian church.

Orange Day is Saturday, Sept 25

Orange Day is the day each month that Presbyterian Women wear orange or an orange ribbon to remember female victims of exploitation and those trying to end it.

At 15 years of age, Theresa Flores was drugged, raped and tortured for two long years – kept in bondage, forced to pay back an impossible debt as a sex slave – all while living at home attempting to keep her family safe in an upper-middle class Detroit suburb. She attended school during the day along side her traffickers, only to be called into “service” late each night while her unknowing family slept. Involuntarily involved in a criminal ring, she endured more as a child than most adults do in their lives. Today Theresa share her story and raises awareness of trafficking. She tells her story in “The Slave Across the Street.”

Support Theresa and others to end this exploitation by wearing orange on the 25th of the month.

Join the Virtual CROP Walk on Sunday, Oct 24

The 2021 Hershey/Hummelstown CROP Hunger Walk is about one month away. That means it is time to plan how you will participate. To keep walkers healthy and safe, this year’s CROP Hunger Walk will once again be VIRTUAL.  

Here are the steps to prepare for this year’s walk:

Step 1: Decide if you will walk alone, or with a group. 
Step 2: REGISTER ONLINE with TEAM Derry Presbyterian.  Encourage friends and family to support you.  Donations can be made online by credit card. Checks can be made out to CWS. Write Hershey/Hummelstown CROP Walk on the memo line. Checks should be sent to the church by October 31, 2021.
Step 3: Choose a date and time to walk.  Officially, the walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 23, however, you may walk on any day prior to that date.
Step 4: Select a safe place to walk such as a park, walking path, your neighborhood, the church grounds, etc.  
Step 5: If you have participated in previous CROP Walks, dig out your old CROP Walk t-shirt and wear it during your walk.
Step 6: Prior to starting out on your walk, take a moment to pray for the vulnerable in our community, nation, and world.
Step 7: As you walk, take photos or videos and send them to Sue George. She will post them on Derry’s Facebook page.
Step 8: Questions? Contact Jane Robertson

Last year we met our goal of $5,000. We are aiming to meet or even exceed that goal this year. Help end hunger, one step at a time by supporting the 2021 CROP Walk for Hunger. Thanks, Derry!

Donations Requested for Love INC’s Online Community Auction

Love INC of Greater Hershey seeks donations of artistic creations, jewelry, gift cards and items for a variety of gift baskets, services, tools, electronics, household decor and, of course, homemade pies and kitchen creations that can be auctioned online Oct 20-24. Food items DO NOT need to be made for the the day of the event. Baked creations may be made at a time agreed upon between the baker and winning bidder. MORE

September 2021 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 8/31/21

Income YTD:$833,531  $833,333
Expenses YTD:  787,608    879,580
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:  45,923(46,247)

Notes from the treasurer:

  • Contributions are in line with 2020 and budget at this point.
  • Committee spending generally in line with or under budget. 
  • Cash flow at 8/31 is in line with last year.

Monday Morning Study Group Begins Oct 4


Derry members will take turns leading this new group as it begins with a short study of Adam Hamilton’s book “Half Truths,” which examines some of the platitudes we typically say about God which aren’t completely accurate. To journey in faith along with this group of recent retirees, please contact Pastor Stephen.

A Day of Celebration on Oct 10: Organ Dedication Sunday


The service of dedication in the Sanctuary for the new-to-Derry Aeolian-Skinner organ will feature hymns, anthems, and a litany of dedication.

The Sanctuary Choir will sing Martin Shaw’s “With a Voice of Singing,” and the upper voices of the choir will sing “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” to a beautiful tune written by the American composer Calvin Hampton. The dedication will also feature his “Postlude on [the tune] Engelberg” as an extended introduction to the singing of the same hymn, which you may know as “When In Our Music God is Glorified.” Other hymns will be “Praise to the Lord” and “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus.” “Praise to the Lord” will feature our lower voices on a four-part arrangement a cappella.

We will have remarks from Nicholas Thompson-Allen, the organ builder in charge of the installation, whose father Aubrey presided over the initial installation in 1950.

The service will conclude with Charles-Marie Widor’s beloved Toccata from his 5th organ symphony. This was the final piece heard on Derry’s previous Reuter organ before it was dismantled.

Officer elections will follow the service, and there will be no 8 am worship.

Grant Wareham, Director of Music Ministry and Organist

After more than a year of restoration, the 1950 Aeolian-Skinner Op. 1132 originally built for the Redeemer Church in New Haven, Connecticut, is ready for its inaugural organ recital presented by Grant Wareham, our Director of Music Ministry and Organist.

The program will highlight all the capabilities of the new-to-Derry organ, including soaring, pure flute tones of the new Harmonic Flute (1929 E.M. Skinner pipes that were not included in the instrument’s original installation) on Louis Vierne’s “Clair de Lune,” a bubbly prelude and a soaring fugue in Maurice Duruflé’s tribute to his fallen friend, Jehan Alain, in his “Prelude and Fugue on ALAIN,” and the organ used as a full orchestra in an organ transcription of Felix Mendelssohn’s “Overture to Ruy Blas.” The program will conclude with Max Reger’s Chorale Fantasy on “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star.”

Organist Grant Wareham is particularly excited to present the world premiere of “Up to Eleven,” a piece written specifically for this instrument by Derry’s own Dr. Jamie Mosher.

A free will offering will be received at this Arts Alive Cultural Series event.