
Make a Fleece Blanket and Bring Warmth and Hope to Someone in Need


The Christian Education and Mission & Peace committees invite you to join them for an hour to make warm fleece blankets for people in need. No sewing skills required: if you can tie a knot, you can make a blanket! Donations of fleece fabric are welcome: to make one blanket, you need two pieces of fleece in two-yard lengths. Blankets made last year were shared with Stop the Violence in Steelton.

Community Churches Offer Services of Comfort and Hope

If it’s not convenient for you to attend or live stream Derry’s Longest Night service at 7 pm Tuesday, Dec 21, consider attending one of these comforting services offered by our church neighbors:

Blue Christmas: A Service of Hope
2 pm Sunday, Dec 19 at Palm Lutheran Church, 11 W. Cherry St. in Palmyra
Prayers, scripture and music that acknowledges God’s presence is for those who mourn and for those who struggle, and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. Followed by fellowship and light refreshments.

Longest Night: A Blue Christmas Service of Remembrance
3 pm Sunday, Dec 19 at First United Methodist Church, 102 W. Chocolate Ave. in Hershey
A worship gathering in the darkness of the winter solstice especially for those experiencing loss, grief, or other pain amidst the joy of Christmas. The service will include a litany with candles, reflection, and prayers.

Winter Reading Opportunities

The Monday evening study group will gather at 7 pm on Zoom to discuss the following books:

JAN 6: “Stolen: The Astonishing Odyssey of Five Boys Along the Reverse Underground Railroad” by Richard Bell. Discussion led by Eleanor Schneider.
FEB 7: “The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth” by Sam Quinones. Discussion led by Chris Gawron.

Faithful Readers will gather at 2 pm Sunday afternoons on Zoom to discuss these books:

DEC 19: “Christmas: A Candid History” by Bruce David Forbes
JAN 9: “Two Old Women” by Velma Wallis
FEB 13: “Every Heart a Doorway” by Seanan McGuire

Pastor Marie Announces Her Retirement as of March 2022

An eBlast on Nov 29, 2021 and a mailing sent this week brought news to the congregation that Pastor Marie Buffaloe will retire on March 31, 2022.

Click here to watch her video announcement.

Click here to read letters from Pastor Marie and Pastor Stephen that provide more information.

Pastor Marie has richly blessed all of us in her 25 years of ministry at Derry Church. Plans are under way to celebrate Marie and her ministry next year.

Ice Cream Gift Cards are Perfect for Gift-Giving – and Supporting our Preschool!

Looking for that perfect stocking stuffer, teacher gift or coach thank-you? Consider Fox Meadows Creamery Gift Cards! Your purchase of gift cards in any amount will benefit Derry Discovery Days Preschool.

Fox Meadows Creamery in Ephrata offers farm fresh ice cream and dairy treats as well as delicious lunch items. It has won Best Ice Cream of Lancaster for many years. Discovery Days will earn 25% of all gift card sales now through Dec 13.

To purchase gift cards, send Laura Cox an email that includes how many gift cards and their dollar value. Make checks payable to Derry Presbyterian Church notated “Creamery Gift Cards” and return to Laura Cox’s mailbox by Monday, Dec 13. Your gift cards will be available for pick up later that week at the church.

Advent Begins on Sunday, Nov 28!

Advent begins on Sunday, and at Derry Church we begin a “Christmas Tour of Homes” sermon series that invites you into the homes of the Gospel writers.

The conversation continues in our Christmas Tour of Homes Facebook Group beginning Monday, Nov 29 (enjoy having Sundays off during this Advent season). Click here to join now, then check in daily to read posts and share your stories and insights. 

Nov 2021 Session Highlights

  • It was the joy of the Session to approve the baptism of Christopher Damon and Tiffany Mittereder and their two children, Kennedy and Juliana and to receive Chris and Tiffany as new members.  The Session also received and welcomed Virginia and Randolf Aires, Sharon Lapano, and Susan Diener as new members.
  • Examined and welcomed newly elected Ruling Elders and Deacons in preparation for ordination/installation in January.
  • Discussed whether the time is right to make masks optional at the 8 am Sunday service. With booster shots and vaccinations for children under way, the Session wants to monitor the impact that these additional vaccinations may have on Covid levels in our area. No action arose from the discussion, however, this item will be reviewed at the December meeting.
  • To date pledges totaling $981,442 have been received, which is 76% of our proposed budget. Information is still being gathered in order to complete the budget. The proposed 2022 budget will be presented and voted upon at the December stated session meeting.
  • The Session approved a motion to allow the Derry Brass to play in church without masks, as long as the musicians are vaccinated, using bell covers on the instruments and socially distancing.
  • Fundraising and collection requests were approved as follows:
    • Derry Discovery Days to sell Fox Meadow Creamery Gift Cards
    • Mission & Peace requested that Friends of Sargodha be permitted to raise funds through the sale of greeting cards, Mark Smith ornaments, and the Shares for Scholarships program.
    • Annual collections for the Giving Tree and Christmas Eve offering with the collection to be split between PC USA and Church World Services.
  • Approved a modification to Derry’s Sabbatical policy to include the Director of Communications and Technology as an eligible participant in the program.

Notes of Thanks

Derry Friends, Thank you for your donations of meals and gift cards to Family Promise. Hungry tummies were filled, and personal care necessities were provided to struggling families. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated! Jane Robertson

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s “Loving Our Community” Auction: sponsors, donors, volunteers and participants, you helped to raise over $21,000 in support of the ministries of Love INC of Greater Hershey, mobilizing the local church to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ. Love INC of Greater Hershey

PW Thank Offering Brings Hope Around the World: Story #4

Since 1888, Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering has distributed more than $27 million in the U.S. and around the world.

Out of the 29 applications received, 12 projects were chosen for funding this year. As required, over 40% of the projects are related to health ministries. Read about two more of the 2021 Thank Offering recipients: 

Habitat for Humanity Homeownership Mentoring, Orlando, FL
As the demand for affordable homes increases due to the economic impact of the pandemic, more families need help and encouragement to prepare them for homeownership. The $5,000 Thank Offering grant will provide mentoring to 100 households in Greater Orlando and Osceola County, offering a rare opportunity for families to receive individual guidance to reduce debt, save money and improve their credit scores to become eligible to purchase a home.

Vehicle and Driver for the Cancer Association of Anderson, SC
The Cancer Association of Anderson provides financial and emotional assistance to local patients who are battling cancer. Having a vehicle will be a game-changer, offering safe and reliable options to patients with no available transportation for their cancer treatment-related appointments. This $42,360 grant will also provide for a compassionate and knowledgeable driver who can offer a caring presence as well as assist patients with special needs.

Please give generously to the Thank Offering so that we can continue to provide for the needs of others at home and around the world. Give online or make checks payable to Derry Church notated “Thank Offering” and mail to the church or drop in the collection boxes.

November 2021 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 10/31/21

Income YTD:$1,049,957     $1,041,667
Expenses YTD:      969,129       1,099,474
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:        80,828         (57,807)

Notes from the treasurer:

  • Contributions are about in line with 2020 and budget at this point.
  • Committee spending generally in line with or under budget. 
  • Cash flow at 10/31 is in line with last year.