
Winter Sermon Series: Faith Words


FAITH WORDS is the sermon series for the weeks until Lent begins. This series is focused on defining and explaining commonly used church words. While the words are familiar, we don’t necessarily share a common understanding of what these words mean.

Issues Class Meets on Zoom

9-10 AM SUNDAYS, JAN 9, 16 & 23 • CLICK TO JOIN

For the next two weeks, Issues Class will meet on Zoom as we hear from Andrew Mashas about Church World Service’s Refugee Resettlement Program. Classes will be reposted on Derry’s YouTube and Facebook channels on Sunday afternoons.

The Jan 23 class will also be on Zoom: use the link shown above. Danielle Lewis from the YWCA Greater Harrisburg’s Violence Intervention and Prevention Services will speak on domestic and sexual violence, the impact of the pandemic, and how to support survivors.  

Watch this space in following weeks to find out when Issues Class is meeting in person with a streaming option or on Zoom.

Important Notice from the Church Office

As the COVID pandemic continues its omicron surge, the church staff has been encouraged to work remotely in order to protect worship leaders and ensure that Sunday worship may continue uninterrupted. As a result, there may be times in coming weeks when the office will not be staffed during regular office hours (M-TH 9 am-4 pm). Please contact the staff by email or leave a message if you reach our automated phone attendant. If the matter is urgent, press 5 and your call will be redirected. 

NEW! Justice & Peace Book Discussion Group


Presbyterian Women (PCUSA) invite you to join their 2022 Book Discussion Group, meeting every other month on Zoom. Here’s the schedule: 

Jan 10  Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance ( 2nd ed.) by Edgar Villanueva
Mar 14 Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
May 9 Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice by Rebecca Todd Peters
Jul 11  Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson
Sept 12  Poverty in America: A Handbook by John Iceland
Nov 14  This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto by Suketu Mehta

Click here to register and download related files for each discussion.

More Star Gifts Available!

Star gifts — star-shaped pieces of brightly colored paper with a word for you to ponder in 2022 — were distributed in worship on Epiphany Sunday, Jan 2. If you did not receive a star gift, more are available in a box at the lower level office entrance.

Called out to Serve: Living Out Our Missional Identity in Christ


Matthew 25 and Self-Development of People challenge us to see the world and be in relationships right where we are, and not just far away. Using examples from Black Presbyterian missional trailblazers such as Thelma Adair, Gayraud Wilmore and Edler Hawkins, this interactive workshop on Zoom will equip participants with missional strategies centered around identity, discipleship, relationship building and asset mapping to create and leverage congregational/ communal power in engaging issues in the local church!

Rev. Dr. Alonzo T. Johnson is the Coordinator for the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People Program (SDOP) and the Convener for the Education Roundtable, a group working within the Educate a Child Transform the World Domestic Initiative, both ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Rev. Johnson has 25 years of experience in urban, congregational-based organizing, youth/education, creative arts, peacemaking, anti-racism, anti-poverty, anti-violence and social justice ministries. 

Christmas Eve at Derry Church

Christmas Eve brings three opportunities to worship in the Sanctuary:

  • Join Pastor Stephen and the Derry Brass at 2:30 pm for worship with communion
  • At 5 pm, bring the family for a service led by Pastor Pam, Pastor Stephen and M.E. Steelman
  • Our Sanctuary Choir and Derry Ringers sing and ring in Christmas at 7:30 pm in a service led by Pastor Marie and Pastor Pam, with organ prelude starting at 7:15 pm

Child care is available at the 2:30 pm and 5 pm services. The lounge has been designated a candle-free zone.

Click here to view and download the Christmas Eve bulletin

Click here to join the 5 pm live stream

Click here to join the 7:30 pm live stream

Face masks are required indoors at Derry Church. With the coronavirus variant on the rise, social distancing and use of hand sanitizer (available throughout the building) is recommended.

December 2021 Session Highlights

  • Installation and ordination of incoming church officers is scheduled for January 9, 2022. 
  • Steven Guenther presented the Treasurer’s report which showed that giving in November was less than projected. Committee spending is generally in line with or under budget.
  • The Session has been discussing whether to loosen restrictions for wearing masks at the 8 AM Sunday service. Given the current unknown effect of the Omicron variant and the increase in hospitalizations locally, no changes were proposed at this meeting. This topic will continue to be reviewed at future meetings.
  • Duncan Campbell, Chairman of the Stewardship & Finance Committee, presented Derry’s 2022 proposed budget. After review, Session approved the proposed 2022 Operating Budget in the amount of $1,250,000 projected revenue and $1,293,937 projected expenses.  
  • The Session also reviewed and approved the 2022 Rental Committee’s budget for income and expenses relative to the 275 Mansion Road and 233-235 East Derry Road properties.
  • An amendment to the “Covenant of Agreement for Pastoral Relationships-Temporary Pastor” with Rev. Dr. Marie L. Buffaloe was approved which permits Pastor Marie to reduce her hours to half time beginning January, 2022 with an associated salary adjustment.
  • The building used as the “Scout House” is in need of repairs to preserve its structural integrity. The Buildings & Grounds committee submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to use $25,000 from the Futures Fund to cover these repairs. This proposal will be reviewed by Derry’s committees and voted upon at the Session’s January meeting.
  • The Session reviewed and approved a submission from the Building & Grounds Committee to the Stabler Foundation for a grant to assist with cemetery restorations. Thank you to Bill Alexander for his work in preparing the grant request.
  • A contribution from HERCO to the repairs previously made to Derry’s Session House glass enclosure was reviewed and accepted.
  • Special 2022 Offerings/Fundraisers as submitted by Presbyterian Women were reviewed and approved.
  • Due to staffing shortages, Derry Discovery Days requested approval to fill a substitute teacher position. The Session approved the hiring of Haily Radnor as a substitute teacher.
  • Communion dates for 2022 were reviewed and approved.
  • A big “thank you” was extended to those Ruling Elders finishing their terms for their dedication and leadership over the past three years.

Holiday Schedule Changes

  • No 8 am worship or KIWI on Dec 26
  • No 11-Minute Lessons on Dec 26 and Jan 2
  • No Tech Time on Monday, Dec 27
  • Church office closed Monday & Tuesday, Dec 27 & 28
  • No evening worship on Tuesday, Dec 28 or Jan 4
  • No eNews next Thursday, Dec 30: newsletter returns Jan 6, 2022
  • Church school and youth group resumes Sunday, Jan 9
  • Kids In Christ Club resumes Tuesday, Jan 11

2022 Lend-A-Hand Work Trip


This fall 12 volunteers helped repair four occupied homes damaged by Hurricanes Mathew (2016) and Florence (2018), but there is more work to be done to help families devastated by storm damage. For a trip application, to make a donation, or for more information go to or call 717-731-8888. Cost of the Jan trip is $175, which includes room, board, and transportation.

Epiphany is Coming… and so are Star Gifts!

Come to worship at 8 or 10:30 am on Epiphany Sunday, Jan 2 to worship and to choose a star gift for 2022! Baskets of stars will be at the Chapel and Sanctuary entrances. Choose a star gift and reflect on that word for the coming year. Take it home and hang it up where you can see it every day. Ponder what significance this word might have in your life, and how God might be speaking to you through that simple message.