May 25 is Orange Day
May 18, 2022Wednesday, May 25 is Orange Day, when Presbyterian Women encourages others to recognize the exploitation of females by wearing orange or an orange ribbon. Rape has been a tool of conquest for centuries as a way for men to express power of mastery over others. Russian soldiers have raped dozens of women in Kyiv and some did not survive. UN’s International Criminal Tribunal has prosecuted conflict-related sexual violence crimes in the past and has fast-tracked an investigation into possible similar war crimes in Ukraine. Wear orange on the 25th to show support for those attempting to end the exploitation and help the victims.
K.I.C. Art Show
May 11, 2022On the next two Sundays (May 15 & 22), check out the art exhibit in the Narthex showcasing the spiritual creations of children in grades 1-5: M.E. Steelman shares more in this week’s long read.

Choose from Two Adult Classes: 9-10 am Sunday, May 15
What does it mean to read the Bible in the context of the environmental crisis of our time? While earlier generations of concerned Christians could imagine themselves as caretakers or stewards of creation, we recognize that we now live on a planet that has already been changed by human actions. In these sessions, we’ll talk about the limitations of earlier ways of interpreting the Bible for the environment and experiment with some new ways of reading biblical texts for the sake of the planet.
This Week’s 11-Minute Lesson Tackles a Timely Topic
May 11, 20228:45 & 11:45 AM IN THE CHAPEL • LED BY PASTOR STEPHEN
We interrupt the regular 11-Minute Lesson series to discuss what the Bible does and does not say about topics related to what we term abortion. Many people have been asking these questions or assuming the Bible is completely silent on the topic. The Bible simultaneously says more than people think in relation to abortion and less than people often want on either side of this issue.
This will not be a political or judicial discussion. If people want to have a time to model faithful discussion on difficult topics that can be arranged, but this is not that time. This class will solely be a Bible study examining what the texts say and how the texts have been understood by Jews and Christians through the centuries. Often the same texts are held up by both sides of the debate by using different interpretations. If you would like to know more, you’re invited to join Pastor Stephen in the Chapel following both worship services. Note that 11 Minute Lessons may last longer than 11 minutes this week.
Love INC Client Requests Help Moving Furniture
May 11, 2022Love INC of Greater Hershey has received a request to help move furniture on Saturday, May 21 from Hummelstown to a storage unit in Hershey. The request is for two or three volunteers to move a loveseat, small hutch, full-size mattress and box spring, small curio cabinet and a five-foot pantry. If the volunteers would have a truck that is a plus but not required. The lady’s son will be there to help with his truck. Contact Dale Forshey to volunteer (717-835-0101).
PW Birthday Offering: Project #2
May 11, 2022This year the Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women celebrates the century mark of generous giving. In this centenary year, two projects are being funded. The first is Mission at the Eastward (MATE) McCleary House Transitional Housing in Farmington, Maine, and the second is Iglesia Presbiteriana de Lares in Puerto Rico.
Following Hurricane Maria in 2017 and the January 2020 earthquakes in Puerto Rico, the Presbyterian Church in Lares has become the go-to location in the community for food, purified water and personal items. With much of the population elderly and infirm, they rely on the church for help with necessities. Because the church’s kitchen is small, dated and not code compliant, upgrades are needed to continue providing this ministry. With funding from the Birthday Offering all appliances, wiring, lighting and plumbing will be replaced and the facility will be made ADA accessible. Solar panels and a heavy-duty generator will be installed to provide uninterrupted electrical service and water availability.
This offering will be collected through May 25. Give as you have been blessed, generously and as led by the Holy Spirit. Contributions can be made online or place checks in the wooden boxes at church or mail them to the church office.
April 2022 Session Highlights
May 4, 2022- The Session participated in an exit interview with members of the Carlisle Presbytery following Pastor Marie’s retirement. The Presbytery regularly conducts these interviews following the departure of a pastor, which presents an opportunity to reflect on the ministry the pastor and congregation had together, its strengths and weaknesses.
- Use of the church building was approved for: a summer brass recital featuring Air National Guardsman, Tom Mahovsky on May 21 at 7 pm; an Eagle Scout Ceremony on June 6; the marriage of Matt Smoluk and Taylor Ross on October 8, 2022; and the Susquehanna Chorale’s 2023 spring concert.
- The baptism of Lydia Webber, daughter of Richard and Corinna Webber was approved for July 10, 2022.
- Approved hiring Kathy Yingst as church Administrative Assistant.
- The Treasurer reported that contributions continue to be ahead of budget expectations. Expenses are slightly above spending in 2021, driven mostly by an increase in mission support.
- With the impact of Covid remaining low, there was no change in Derry’s policy.
- Approved the request from the Building & Grounds Committee to repair and restore all remaining stained glass windows in need and to protect seven basement windows along the back of the church with safety glass. The approximate cost for the project is $40,230 with funding coming from Derry’s Stained Glass Window Restricted Fund.
- With the arrival of the new church van, the Building & Grounds Committee will be reviewing Derry’s van usage policy and making recommendations for its revision and implementation.
- There will be a Called Session meeting on May 22 to receive new members and Derry youth who are enrolled in the current Confirmation Class.
- Approved a request from Derry Discovery Days to hire Jennifer Harman and Vickie Bender.
Church Picnic!
May 4, 202211:30 AM SUNDAY, JUNE 5 • RSVP BY MAY 31
Get ready for food, fun and fellowship as the children’s ministry team hosts this year’s church picnic! On the menu: pulled pork, hot dogs, cookies, cole slaw, veggie tray, watermelon, chips and beverages (vegetarian option available on request). Cost is $8 per person, free for ages six & under. RSVP and pay online or on Sunday morning in the Narthex.

Classes for Adults: 9-10 am sunday, may 8
In Luke 24:13-35, we read about two people walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus who reflect on Jesus’ death and who are disappointed that Israel has not been redeemed as they had hoped. A stranger joins them who begins to interpret the scriptures and explain to them how Jesus has indeed redeemed Israel. But it is only in an act of hospitality that their eyes are opened to the identity of the stranger. Why do they only recognize Jesus when they invite him to stay with them and share a meal? After Jesus’ resurrection, why does he appear to these two people on the road to Emmaus before he appears to the disciples in his inner circle? What can we learn from this story about listening to those from the margins?
If you have never been to Pakistan, come along with Derry members to visit the city of Sargodha. Once there, we will check on the building progress of the Boys’ School and all the ways that Derry Church is making a difference in support of the work of Veda Javaid Gill and the Presbyterian Education Board.
Planning for Derry’s 300th Anniversary
May 4, 2022Derry will celebrate its 300th anniversary in 2024. A committee is being formed to plan for this historic event. Those interested are invited to a meeting at 5 pm Tuesday, May 17 in the Lounge. If you would like to be part of the planning but cannot attend, please contact Pam Whitenack.
Discovery Days is Hiring!
May 4, 2022Derry Discovery Days Preschool is hiring teacher aides for the 2022-23 school year!
- Great schedule (approx .15 hours a week) with holiday breaks and summers off
- Discounted DDD tuition and first chance to register your child
- Continuing education and training provided
- Pediatric CPR and pediatric first aid training provided
- Collaborative and supportive work environment
- A chance to make a difference in a young child’s early education journey
- Best of all….lots of laughs and hugs from sweet children!
Email Laura Cox, preschool director, or call her at 717-533-9667 ext. 201.
PW Birthday Offering: Project #1
May 4, 2022This year the Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women celebrates the century mark of generous giving. In this centenary year, two projects are being funded. The first is Mission at the Eastward (MATE) McCleary House Transitional Housing in Farmington, Maine. The Birthday Offering grant will help renovate McCleary House for people experiencing homelessness.
Poverty has been increasing in Maine, with a growing number of vulnerable people losing their homes due to job loss, eviction, sickness or economic hardship – all complicated in the last years by the pandemic. This transitional home will provide a warm and healthy place to live for 3-4 families or 6-8 individuals over the course of a year, as most guests stay just a few months. The renovated home will provide a safe place for individuals to begin the psycho-social, educational and vocational work needed to move forward with their lives.
This offering will be collected through May 25. Give as you have been blessed, generously and as led by the Holy Spirit. Contributions can be made online or place checks in the wooden boxes at church or mail them to the church office.