Interfaith Series on Aug 14 Focuses on Zen Buddhism
August 10, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch another DVD lecture from Chautauqua Institution’s 2019 Interfaith Series. Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede [pronounced “BODE’n COAL-heed”] is a Zen Buddhist priest and Abbot of the Rochester Zen Center. Born in Michigan in 1948, he received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In 1971 he entered what would become a 15-year course of residential training at the Rochester Zen Center under Roshi Philip Kapleau, the Center’s founder, who ordained him in 1976. He has conducted meditation retreats throughout the United States, as well as in Sweden, Mexico, and Germany.
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Benefit Concert Helps People of Ukraine
Local, national, and international musicians are uniting in Harrisburg for Glory To Ukraine, a concert benefiting the people of Ukraine who have been severely impacted by the war. The concert will feature:
- Tetyana Pyatovolenko, cellist from Ukraine
- Peter Sirotin, Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster and world class violinist from Ukraine
- The Susquehanna Chorale with Dan Dorty on the piano
- Other musicians from the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, including Andreas Oeste, Principal Oboe and Professor at Penn State University.
Proceeds from the concert benefit the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF).
Purchase tickets on the event website or call Whitaker Center at (717) 214-2787. Concert tickets are $40 each. VIP tickets are $100 each and include premier seating and entrance to a post-concert meet & greet reception with the musicians.
Question of the Week: August 4, 2022
August 3, 2022
If you could only listen to three music albums for the rest of your life what would they be?

Randy Aires:
- Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
- Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
- Dvorak’s String Quartet No. 12 (“American”) by the Emerson String Quartet
Sara Matthews:
- 1200 curfews by Indigo Girls
- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
- Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons
Julie Miller:
- Out of Time by REM
- Paper Airplane by Alison Krauss & Union Station
- The Music of Kings: Choral Favorites from Cambridge by the Kings’s College Choir
Tim Mosher
- Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 in C Minor (The Resurrection Symphony) recorded by New York Philharmonic under the direction of Leonard Bernstein
- Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere recorded in the Merton College Chapel, Oxford in 1980 by the Tallis Scholars
- Shostakovich: String Quartets Nos. 1 – 13 by the Borodin Quartet
Jim Royer:
- More of The Monkees by the Monkees
- A Song For Two by Cashman and West
- Belly Up by Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show
Issues Class Interfaith Series Begins Sunday, Aug 7
August 3, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
For many years Sue and Jim George spent a week each summer at Chautauqua Institution in Western New York. In 2019 Sue especially enjoyed an interfaith lecture presented by award-winning educator, writer, activist, and scholar Simran Jeet Singh, who spoke about his Sikh faith. In fact, Sue liked the lecture so much that she purchased the DVD set so Derry’s Adult Education committee could use the lectures when there was time in the schedule. Now you have the chance to watch that lecture — and three others from the 2019 series — over the course of the next four weeks.
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch the DVD lecture presented by Dr. Singh. Simran writes and speaks regularly on issues of diversity, inclusion, civil rights, religion, and hate violence, and his thought leadership extends to a number of audiences, including university campuses, government bodies, and leadership conferences. He is Executive Director for the Aspen Institute’s Religion & Society Program and author of the recently published book, The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life.
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Young(ish) Adults: Have Lunch Together on Sunday!
Young and young-ish adults are invited to a fellowship lunch gathering on Sunday! This is a great chance to meet young adults at Derry Church and reconnect with others. Please contact Pastor Stephen if you plan to attend.
Update on Derry’s Partnership with a Refugee Family
August 3, 2022In cooperation with Church World Service Harrisburg, our Syrian family of six has arrived safely in Hershey. The Welcoming Team met them at the airport and presented their four children, ages 4-12, with several stuffed animals as well as backpacks containing age-appropriate activities. Each family member brought two duffle bags containing their household and personal belongings which were taken excitedly to their new home.
With the aid of a translator and despite the long travel day, the family continuously expressed their thanks and appreciation for all that was being done for them. This was extended to include attendance Friday at the local mosque. As you might expect, there are many questions: how do you run the washing machine; what are those blinking lights we see at night (fireflies); and do you work when it snows?
The coming days will be filled with ESL lessons, physicals, registration with government programs and school enrollment, also job searches for the educated parents.
Donations you can help with now:
- 24″ and 26″ Bicycles
- Two-shelf shoe rack, approximately 12″ wide by 36-48″ long
- Men’s electric razor and a hair clipper kit
Contact Marilyn Koch to arrange for pickup of items or drop off at the church.
Watch for upcoming opportunities where you can help their transition into a new culture.
Terrific Tuesday Kicks Off in a Big Way on Sept 13 with “Stories and Sounds”
August 3, 2022We’re thrilled that weekly Terrific Tuesday meals will be returning at 5 pm in Fellowship Hall beginning Sept 13, and excited to have families gather for fellowship and opportunities for music and learning.
At 6 pm Sept 13 in the Sanctuary, Derry Church is delighted to present “Stories and Sounds” for families and friends of all ages to enjoy. The program features three beloved fairy tales: Three Little Pigs, Brementown Musicians and Adventures at Grannie’s (Little Red Riding Hood) with music by contemporary American composers Daniel Dorff, Kile Smith and Gwyneth Walker. This 35-40-minute-long program introduces elementary school children to storytelling through music and theater and features live performance by theater major students from CASA, Dr. Ai-Lin Hsieh, cello professor at Lebanon Valley College, and Peter Sirotin, Concertmaster of the Harrisburg Symphony.
Would You Like to Receive Communion at Home?
August 3, 2022Derry members and friends who are homebound and unable to receive communion at the church: Pastor Stephen and a Deacon would like to bring communion to you. To sign up, just call the church office (717-533-9667) or email Pastor Stephen. Home communion goes out once a month, and we’d love to add YOU to the rotating schedule.
It’s time to sign up for the All-Church Retreat!
July 27, 2022
Krislund cabins that sleep 2-4 are $85/night, and you can bring your own linens or use theirs ($20/set). Only pay for the meals you will be eating at the camp on Saturday and Sunday. Jack Keene has all the details: contact him to plan your stay and RSVP before the Aug 21 deadline.
Question of the Week: July 28, 2022
July 27, 2022Presenting a new eNews feature designed to help Derry members and friends learn more about each other. You never know when Pastor Stephen might reach out and ask you the Question of the Week. How would you answer?

If you could only read three books (besides the Bible) for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Pete Feil:
- The Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
- Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (Ted Lawson)
- Guns, Germs, and Steel (Vernon McKreith)
Shari Lapano:
- Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
- Journeys of a Lifetime (National Geographic)
- If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? (Erma Bombeck)
Peter Gawron:
- Shawshank Redemption (Stephen King)
- Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen)
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom)
Eliana Hempel:
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (J.K. Rowling)
- A Mysterious Affair at Styles (Agatha Christie)
- Choosing Happiness (Stephanie Dowrick)
Lee Freeman:
- Unbroken (Laura Hillenbrand)
- Addictive Organization (Ann Wilson Scahef/Diane Fassel)
- 1,000 Events that Shaped the World (Jared Diamond/National Geographic)
Adult Education Opportunities for Sunday, July 31
July 27, 2022ISSUES CLASS: Ireland and the Power of Stories
In Northern Ireland, the Corrymeela Community and other reconcilers understand stories as the space where we can speak our questions, express our uncertainty and brokenness, the hurt done to others by us, and the hurt done to us by others. In our life together, often shaped by the ebb and flow of mutual fears and antagonisms, stories can be uncomfortable or discomforting. They can also be restorative and transformative, surprises that open up life to us and others we live in community with. We a need a space for stories, because a space of stories becomes a space of engagement, and engagement and experience precedes understanding. Discover what Pastor Stephen learned in Ireland and how stories may help us live life better together.
BIBLE STUDY: Women of Exodus, Part 4: Miriam
9:30-10:15 AM IN ROOM 1
This week Meara Kwee leads a study of Exodus 2:1-10 and Exodus 15:1-21. Miriam is the first woman in the Old Testament to be identified as a prophet. Beloved by her people, Miriam led them in a song of liberation as they left Egypt and crossed the Reed Sea. How did she act as a prophet to her people? How can we join in the songs of modern day Miriams working for justice in our communities and world?
This is your last chance to drop in the summer Bible study series before leaders take the month of August to regroup and plan for the fall. Contact Meara Kwee or Tom Folts if there’s something you’re interested in studying on Sunday mornings in the coming months.
Experience the Joy of Play on Sunday Mornings!
July 27, 2022The children of Derry Church invite you to hang out with them in the church nursery on Sunday mornings! This is a fun and great way for you to get to know the youngest members of our church. By volunteering in the nursery one or two Sundays a quarter, you will have the opportunity to experience the joy of play. You will also help to fulfill the baptism promise we all pledge: to watch over and guide each child of God.
The link below takes you to our new digital sign-up sheet. Please place your name (or your youth’s name) on dates you are available to join the nursery team: