Join a Fall Study Group
August 24, 2022 10:30 am – 12 pm Thursdays beginning Sept 8 in room 7
This study group is led by Jan Nixon. On Sept 8, Pastor Stephen will talk about what he learned on his recent sabbatical trip to Ireland. In following weeks, the group will delve into the Presbyterian Women’s study, “God’s Promise.”
9-10 am Sundays beginning Sept 18 in room 2
Led by Meara Kwee and Tom Folts, this study/discussion group will start each week by taking time to “catch our breath” through a reflection or centering exercise. Discussion will focus on the book of Ruth for the first five weeks.
11:45 am Sundays, Sept 18-Oct 2 in the Chapel
Pastor Stephen’s 11-minute lessons are back! Join him for a three-week study on reconciliation and things he learned at Corrymeela. The series takes a break in mid-October, resuming on Oct 23 with a new topic.
7-8:30 pm Mondays, Sept 19, Oct 3 & Nov 7 on Zoom
This women’s study group is reading Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s “The Difficult Words of Jesus.” The author invites and encourages readers to “wrestle” with some of Jesus’s more confusing, controversial, and historically damage-inflicting words as recorded in the Gospels. Two of the six chapters will be discussed in each session. Click to join on Zoom
Tour the Ruth Codington Memorial Library at Derry Church
August 24, 2022Over the past few months, Derry Church’s lending library has received a makeover with new organization and fresh titles. In less than two minutes, find out what’s new from Derry’s resident librarian, Chris Gawron.
Starting Sept 20, Tuesdays are Terrific!
August 24, 2022Weekly Terrific Tuesday dinners begin at 5 pm, but that’s not all: we’re bringing back Derry’s exciting weekly music and creative arts education for children age 4 through grade 12. Programming gets under way at 5:45 pm with opportunities for vocal and instrumental music as well as creative arts. No need to RSVP. Bring a friend!
Pets Are a Blessing!
August 24, 2022
Check out photos from Derry’s annual worship service celebrating our covenant with animals on August 23, 2022. It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor service, with 50 people and almost as many dogs in attendance.
Aug 2022 Financial Snapshot
August 17, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 7/31/22
Income YTD: | $813,806 | $729,167 |
Expenses YTD: | 666,069 | 754,801 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 147,737 | (25,634) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $53K ahead of 2021 and $44K ahead of estimated contributions through July
- Mission and Peace is $21K behind 2021. Building and grounds is about $27K below 2021. We expect these committees to spend their 2022 budget. Some personnel expenses are backloaded.
Interfaith Series on Aug 21 Focuses on Judaism
August 17, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch another DVD lecture from Chautauqua Institution’s 2019 Interfaith Series. Rabbi Saul J. Berman was ordained at Yeshiva University, from which he also received his B.A. and his M.H.L. He completed a degree in law, a J.D., at New York University, and an M.A. in Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley.
Rabbi Berman was the Rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel in Berkeley, California, from 1963 to 1969. He was an early leader in the Soviet Jewry movement and, an active participant in the Civil Rights movement, he was present and was arrested at the demonstrations in Selma, Alabama in 1965. In 1971 Rabbi Berman was appointed Chairman of the Department of Judaic Studies of Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University. Under his leadership over the next thirteen years, it grew into the largest undergraduate Department of Jewish Studies in the United States. In 1984 Rabbi Berman accepted the position as Senior Rabbi of Lincoln Square Synagogue in Manhattan, where he served until 1990, then returned to academic life.
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Desserts Needed for the Next Racetrack Meal
It’s Derry Church’s turn to host a meal for the back-of the-track workers at Penn National racetrack. The meal will be prepared by Loretta Chubb and served indoors. You can help by providing a dessert and/or helping to serve the meal: contact Craig Smith (717) 574 9296.
Communion at Country Meadows
Pastor Stephen will lead a communion service in a room adjacent to the Rose Room, assisted by members of the Care & Share committee.
Question Of The Week: 8/18/22
August 17, 2022
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Meara Kwee:
I would go to Peru. While I speak Spanish and have traveled quite a bit in Central America, I’ve only been to one country in South America. I’d love to hike to Machu Picchu and experience the cultures and flavors of Peru.
Bill McGregor:
Garmisch Parkenkirch in Germany: I went on vacation there as a child with family and friends when I was growing up in Germany.
Stacey Ruch:
I would like to visit New Zealand. The wild beauty and variety of nature appeals to me. Mountains, oceans, and remote locations feel peaceful to me.
Greg Taylor:
Australia, because I was born there.
Mark Verner:
I would love to visit a monk monastery and spend time there. It would grow my faith and enrich my soul.
Arts Alive Welcomes the Lebanon Big Swing Band
The toe-tapping sound of the Big Band era will fill the Sanctuary when the 16-member Lebanon Big Swing Band plays for Derry Church’s 2022 Arts Alive Cultural Series.
The Lebanon Big Swing Band was organized in 1990 by Edgar Felty, Lee Moyer and Karl Wolf, Jr. — members of Local 401-750 of the American Federation of Musicians in Lebanon — to provide an opportunity for area musicians to present music of the Big Band Era. Their repertoire includes music in the style of favorite dance bands such as Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Harry James, Count Basie and Duke Ellington. Most members of the band have “day jobs” and come together to rehearse and play concerts and dances and entertain audiences as a hobby. They are all accomplished musicians who learned their basic music skills in school instrumental programs and have enjoyed enhancing their lives by sharing this style of swing music.
The Lebanon Big Swing Band has played at Derry Church twice before, and performs across Central PA throughout the year under the direction of trombonist and band leader Steve Leibig. The ensemble includes vocalist Lauren Schuyler as well as two original members of the band: Lee Moyer and Warren Daugherty. The musicians remain dedicated to keeping the spirit of Big Band alive.

PW Gathering/Orange Day
August 17, 2022- Ladies, mark your calendars for Saturday, Aug 27 and the PW in Carlisle Summer/Fall Gathering at Second Carlisle Presbyterian Church. The programs include an introduction to the Bible study, Celebrate Sabbath, by Rebeca Lister and a presentation on anxiety by Rev. Andy Hart. Contact Doris Feil to get in the car pool.
- Presbyterian Women observe Orange Day the 25th of each month to show awareness of exploitation of females worldwide and to show support for people working to end it. In Pennsylvania, we hear of domestic violence more than labor and sexual exploitation, but both do exist in this state. Next Thursday, wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support for organizations ministering to the victims of the exploitation.
Question of the Week: 8/11/22
August 10, 2022
What are your three favorite movies?

Daniel Forslund:
- Rocky
- Lord of the Rings,
- The Godfather
Susan Hubbell:
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- The Christmas Story
- A Few Good Men
Joey Owsley:
- Space Balls,
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ,
- Spotlight
John Messmer:
- Blazing Saddles
- Immortal Beloved
- The Wizard of Oz
Karen Potter:
- The Princess Bride
- The Wizard of OZ
- It’s a Wonderful Life