Tuesday Evening Worship Returns Weekly in January!
December 14, 2022Beginning Jan 10, 2023, Tuesday evening worship with communion will be held weekly in the Chapel at 6:15 pm. Everyone welcome to join creative and informal worship that offers prayer, singing, and a brief meditation. Check the eNews each week for more details.
Offering Envelopes Ready for Pickup
December 14, 20222023 offering envelopes are available for pickup in the Narthex by those who told us they would like to continue using envelopes next year. Questions? Contact Sandy Miceli.

Worship at Country Meadows
December 8, 2022
Pastor Stephen will lead worship with communion, prayers, and a meditation. A time for fellowship follows the service.
Thank You, Cookie Bakers and Helpers!
December 7, 2022Thanks to everyone who made the 2022 Cookie Walk and Jumbles Shop such a success: bakers, people setting up, selling and cleaning up, and all those who purchased cookies.
Bakers, pick up your cookie containers on the shelf above the coat rack in the Narthex through Sunday, Dec 18. Any remaining containers will be donated to Jubilee Ministries.

Ice Cream Gift Cards are Perfect for Gift-Giving — and Supporting Our Preschool!
December 7, 2022Looking for that perfect stocking stuffer, teacher gift or coach thank-you? Consider Fox Meadows Creamery Gift Cards! Your purchase of gift cards in any amount will benefit Derry Discovery Days Preschool.
Fox Meadows Creamery in Ephrata offers farm fresh ice cream and dairy treats as well as delicious lunch items. It has won Best Ice Cream of Lancaster for many years. Discovery Days will earn 25% of all gift card sales now through Dec 15.
To purchase gift cards, send Laura Cox an email that includes how many gift cards and their dollar value. Make checks payable to Derry Presbyterian Church notated “Creamery Gift Cards” and return to Laura Cox’s mailbox by Thursday, Dec 15. Your gift cards will be available for pick up later that week at the church.
GriefShare Support Group Begins
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who walk alongside people through one of life’s most difficult experiences, offering support to those who are dealing with the loss of a loved ones from death.
Each GriefShare session is organized in two parts. During the first 30-40 minutes of the meeting, the group views a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. These videos are produced in an interesting-to-watch television magazine format featuring expert interviews, real-life case studies, dramatic reenactments and on-location video. Following the video, participants spend time discussing what was presented on that week’s video seminar and what is going on in each other’s lives.
This session continues weekly through April 5. Those interested may begin attending the GriefShare group at any time. Each session is self-contained, and any missed weeks can be joined when the next 13-week cycle is offered.
Register by contacting the church office (717-533-9667). No cost to attend. Child care is not available.
Join a Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic in June 2023
December 7, 2022Make your plans now to join Derry members and friends from June 10-18, 2023, as they return to the Dominican Republic with Bridges to Community to build a new home and to do Bible school activities. Those aged 14 or 15 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
All participants are advised to be fully vaccinated prior to the trip. Cost of the trip is $1,500. An application, obtained at, and full payment to Derry are due by March 5, 2023. Oak Fund grants to cover up to half the cost are available.
Sign up on the Mission and Peace bulletin board in the Narthex near the nursery. For more information, contact Pete Feil (717-566-8250).
“These Days” Devotional Booklets Make Great Stocking Stuffers
December 7, 2022The January-March issue of “These Days: Daily Devotions for Living by Faith” is now available for pickup at the office and courtyard entrances. Take one for yourself, give some to those you love this Christmas season.
Presbyterian Giving Catalog: An Easy Way to Make a Big Difference
December 7, 2022From livestock to water to education, the Presbyterian Giving Catalog offers a multitude of ways to make a difference in the lives of people all over the world. View all the gifts.
Join a Derry Church Meals on Wheels Team
November 30, 2022Derry Church teams deliver meals to homebound residents in Derry Township every Friday. The greatest need is for a driver on the second Friday of each month, but other Friday teams can also use support – or let us know if you’d prefer to be added to the list as an occasional substitute.
Deliveries begin at 8:30 am at the Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ on Chocolate Ave in Hershey, and take about an hour. Click here to read more about how Derry Church participates in the program. For more information and to volunteer, contact Mary Day.
Derry Twp. Police Officer Joins Tech Time
November 30, 20221-2 PM MONDAY, DEC 19 ON ZOOM: CLICK TO JOIN
For its last Zoom gathering in 2022, the Tech Time crew invites you to join them for a discussion with Ofc. Kevin M. Leiss of the Derry Township Police Department. Officer Leiss conducts digital forensic examinations at the police department, and works with a variety of cybercrime cases. He will talk about some of the things to look out for with regard to scams and good internet practice, and answer your questions.
Men’s Breakfast Returns
Men, it’s time for the return of Derry’s monthly men’s breakfast! Charlie Koch and friends look forward to bringing back this long-standing tradition of a delicious hot cooked breakfast served with great fellowship and a brief devotion. It would be very helpful to know how many men are planning to attend: please RSVP to Charlie by Monday, Dec 5.