

Derry member Luke Gawron has started on the art installation to be placed in the Narthex by the end of the year. He measured and cut a 7′ x 3′ piece of masonite, then primed it so it’s ready to be painted with images of Derry Church life. Learn more about Luke’s project in this short video.

New Member Classes Begin Aug 6


The summer series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Aug 27.

Registration is appreciated by not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).

Let Reading Take You Places This Summer: Start in Derry’s Ruth Codington Library

In July, travel across America through the pages of our books. Follow John Lewis’s fight for justice across Alabama and Tennessee. Try Caleb’s Crossing, a story set in Martha’s Vineyard where Puritans intermingled with native Wampanoag people and both yearned for higher education. Or have a laugh in Swivel, Wisconsin where the Jackson farm turns theme park after a miracle calf is born bearing the image of Jesus Christ.

Browse books all summer in our online catalog or stop in to see the new shelf displays (the library is just inside Entrance #1). While you’re there, visit the Staff shelf to find out who can’t take a roadtrip without Cheez-its and who recommends a fabulous museum in Louisiana. Find out what Nat King Cole and the Bible have in common. Then, head to the graffiti wall and add to the congregation’s I Love America playlist.

Tech Time Targets Scams


Scammers and fraudsters target Pennsylvanians every day in an effort to gain access to our money or personal information. They target our emotions in hopes that we will let our guard down and believe the scams they are perpetrating. From robocalls to social media messages, texts to emails, Pennsylvanians must be on the lookout for these “too good to be true” hoaxes. This presentation will break down the top 10 scams currently being used in Pennsylvania.  

This special Tech Time presentation on Zoom will be given by Jerry Mitchell, an Outreach Specialist with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. Jerry has been working in state government for 18 years, specializing in computer application development, cyber-crimes, and fraud. Bring your questions!

Payment Due by July 1 for Krislund Family Weekend

Attention all families participating in the fall retreat at Krislund Camp: payment is due by July 1 and you can leave checks in the church mailbox in the Krislund folder. Checks can be made out to Derry Presbyterian Church notated “Krislund family retreat.” 

The next meeting is Sunday Sept 10 at 9 am, location TBD. We are excited for the Krislund family weekend. Have a great summer!

Mission Accomplished!

Three cheers to Derry’s mission team that traveled to the Dominican Republic last week: along with a group of workers from Morgan Stanley NYC, they built two homes for families in need. The Derry crew included Mark Dear, Doris Feil, Claudia Holtzman, David Whitenack and Pete Feil.

June 2023 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 5/31/23:

          ACTUAL        BUDGETED
Income YTD:        $555,889         $541,667
Expenses YTD:           554,169           571,201
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:               1,720           (29,534)

Open Choir Loft


Everyone who loves to sing is invited to the choir loft to rehearse an easy anthem that we’ll sing for the 10:30 am service. 

Carlisle Presbytery Seeks Bridge Presbytery Leader

After Cheryl Galan’s recent retirement, Carlisle Presbytery has entered liminal space in leadership. The wisdom of the Presbytery Transition Team is to seek a part-time Bridge Presbytery Leader.

The position is 30 hours per week. Click here for the job description. Interested Teaching Elders or Ruling Elders are invited to send a cover letter and resume to the Chair of the Administration Committee, Norma Mateer, by June 30. Compensation is negotiable and commensurate with experience.

Orange Day is Sunday, June 25

Orange Day is the day Presbyterian Women recognize exploitation of females worldwide and work to overcome this injustice. Being able to identify abuse in others may help someone to escape domestic violence. Common warning signs of someone being in an abusive situation:

  • Partner putting person down before others
  • Constant worry over making partner angry
  • Making excuses for partner’s behavior
  • Partner being extremely jealous or possessive
  • Unexplained marks or injuries
  • No longer spending time with friends and family
  • Depressed of or anxious
  • Change in personality

You can listen to the “victim” and support her. Help her feel empowered but leave decision making to her. Wear orange or an orange ribbon on June 25 to show your support and awareness of these situations.

Learn About an Eagle Scout Project Benefiting Derry Church

Isabelle Holley, a member of Troop 2200 (the sister organization to Boy Scout Troop 200 at Derry Church), has brought forward her plan for an Eagle Scout project: cataloging and organizing the silk flowers and arrangements stored in the church attic. Over the last several weeks, Isabelle has been working with Pastor Stephen and Loretta Chubb on details for the project.

Isabelle will present her plan to the congregation on Sunday, June 18 and will be on hand after worship to receive donations from those who would like to financially support her project. 

Read more about this Eagle Scout project.