
Derry Church Responds to Crisis in the Middle East

In addition to our prayers for peace, Derry Church has made equal contributions to two organizations working to help those affected by the recent violence. A donation to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance will be used to assist people in Israel. The second has gone to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to aid in repairing the Ahil Hospital in Gaza. May we continue to offer our prayers for the peace negotiations and that these donations will aid recovery efforts in both areas. To hear a presentation on life in Gaza, attend Issues Class on January 7, 2024.

News from Presbyterian WOmen

Six books have been selected for the Presbyterian Women’s Peace and Justice book discussion group for 2024:

  • JAN 8: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
  • MAR 11: Our Missing Heart by Celeste Ng
  • MAY 13: Transforming; The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke 
  • JUL 8: A Place Called Home by David Ambroz 
  • SEPT 9: Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond
  • NOV 11: Searching for Savanna by Mona Gable

These book discussions are offered on Zoom from 6:30-8:30 pm and all are welcome with advance registration. Questions for discussion or reflection will be sent with your registration confirmation. Click here to read more and register.  

Volunteer elves are needed for Paxton Presbyterian Church’s PW Santa Shops from Dec 4-14. Select a 2-3 hour commitment with start times varying from 8:30 am to 6 pm. Participating sites include Bethesda Mission for Women and Children, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, First Church of the Brethren, YWCA, Allison Hill Community Ministry, and YMCA. A schedule is posted on the PW bulletin board inside entrance #4.

Milton Hershey School Brings Choral Concert to Derry Church


The Milton Hershey School senior division choir, New Horizons, will perform seasonal selections including “In the Bleak Midwinter.” This group of about 50 students between the ages of 14 and 16 are excited to perform at a venue outside of the school, and church members and the public are very welcome to attend.

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 12/3/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. Have you ever been homesick? What did that feel like?
  2. What are some things that remind you that we aren’t home yet?
  3. What are some glimpses of home you’ve seen in the past year?

Susquehanna Chorale Presents “A Candlelight Christmas”


Experience the magic of A Candlelight Christmas presented by the nationally acclaimed Susquehanna Chorale, a chamber ensemble comprised of 40 auditioned singers. This year’s Candlelight Christmas concerts will include Pachelbel’s Magnificat, Gloria by Randol Alan Bass, the music of Bob Chilcott, John Rutter, Mack Wilberg, and Stephen Paulus, as well as delightful settings of traditional carols including Jingle Bells. A pre-concert recital by Susquehanna Chorale accompanist, Derry’s own Dan Dorty, will be presented 15 minutes prior to each performance.

Participating from Derry Church are singers Janice Click Holl and Greg Harris. Click for tickets.

Nov 2023 Session Highlights

  • Held the examination of two incoming Deacons and approved their ordination and installation on January 14, 2024.
  • Approved extending an offer of part-time employment to Allison Cooper as a Nursery Childcare Provider. Scheduled a called Congregational meeting on December 10 to elect Pete Gawron as a Deacon to fill Michelle Califf’s unexpired term due to Michelle’s recent move. 
  • Approved a request from Milton Hershey School to use the Sanctuary for a choral concert featuring the school’s Senior Division New Horizon singers on December 15 at 7 pm. Also approved use of Room 7B by the Cocoa Townes HOA to hold their annual meeting on December 4 at 6 pm.
  • Giving continues to be below budget expectations. Expenses also continue to be less than the amounts budgeted, however, there will be large year end expenses in December.
  • The Session is discussing restarting the traditional offering collection and greeting one another during Sunday worship services. Concerns include being able to recruit volunteers to perform ushering duties, when and how to include these items in the order of service, the impact of interrupting the livestreaming of the service, and congregational health. Discussions will continue.
  • Approved Harrisburg’s Stop the Violence group as the recipient of Derry’s portion of the Christmas Joy Offering.
  • Approved the addition of Peggy Ladd to the Derry Discovery Board, and DDD’s request to hold a winter fundraiser event on January 20 in Fellowship Hall. The event will include a pancake breakfast, crafts, and a silent auction. There will be a charge of approximately $20 per family to attend. 

Derry Reaches Tiny House Goal!

Congratulations and thank you, Derry! We have not only reached but exceeded our goal of $50,000 in support of the Veterans Outreach of Pennsylvania program to build 15 homes for veterans in the Harrisburg area. Construction of the community center is already under way and construction of the tiny home funded by Derry is expected to begin in January.

The excess funds will be held until the project is completed and then donated to VOPA to support some of the programs to be offered to the vets living in the village. Thank you for your support in helping our veterans to reintegrate into today’s society.

Dominican Republic Mission Trip: June 8-16, 2024

Derry friends, make your plans now to be part of Derry’s annual mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Be part of an international group immersed in the local culture that helps to build a new home for a Dominican family. You’ll also have the opportunity and joy to assist with Bible School activities. Cost is $1,600 per person with payment due by March 8. For further information, contact Pete Feil.

Joy to the Burg Benefit Concert


This festive Christmas musical fundraiser brings together Central Pennsylvania artists rallying to help their neighbors facing homelessness: funds raised support our mission partner Christian Churches United. A family friendly event, this concert spotlights performers from the Joy to the Burg 2023 Christmas album. Tickets are $10, children 12 & under are FREE. Can’t make the concert? A CD is available at Karns. More info here.

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 11/26/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. What does it mean to you to say, “Christ is King”?
  2. One definition of power is force x velocity. Where have you seen power that uses force to achieve its aims?
  3. Another definition of power is work over time, what Eugene Peterson has called “a long obedience in the same direction.” What can you do relentlessly day after day to make a difference in this world?

Spread the Joy, Share the Love!

From Sunday, Nov 26 through Sunday, Dec 3, join Derry Church as we spread the joy and share the love! In the Narthex outside Fellowship Hall, you can pick up our 2023 Advent devotional, “Home for Christmas,” and an Advent wreath liturgy booklet, and support our mission partners by:

  • Bringing $25 Walmart gift cards for the racetrack ministry and Derry Township Social Ministries (you can take a reminder tag this Sunday, Nov 19 from a tree in the Narthex)
  • Dropping off canned goods for the Hershey Food Bank.
  • Supporting Allison Hill Community Ministry with donations of sweaters, blankets, coats and jackets for babies, youngsters, teens and adults. Used items in good condition gladly accepted.
  • Taking a note card you can fill with cash or a gift card, then pay it forward to someone you meet who’s not expecting it.

Nov 2023 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 10/31/23:

        ACTUAL         BUDGETED
Income YTD:      $976,142        $1,082,500
Expenses YTD:       $934,642        $1,142,402
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:         $41,500          ($59,902)