
What’s Next for Derry’s Study Groups

“Christianity and World Religions: Questions We Ask About Other Faiths” by Adam Hamilton

In this study, you’ll take a closer look at four primary world religions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism – and learn about their core beliefs, practices, and theological perspectives while also exploring how Christians can engage with these faiths constructively.

“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis | Led by Debbie Hough
MAR 3: “The Reluctant Convert” video & discussion: meet CS Lewis
APR 7: Did the Devil Make You Do It? Screwtape Letters 1-10
MAY 5: Screwtape Letters 11-31 & loose ends

This satirical novel consists of 31 letters written by a senior demon named Screwtape to his nephew Wormwood, a junior tempter tasked with leading a young British man (referred to as “the Patient”) away from God and toward Hell. Screwtape provides strategic advice on how to subtly tempt the Patient through various means, such as exploiting family tensions, encouraging spiritual pride, distracting him from genuine faith, and manipulating his emotions and relationships. Set during World War II, the story explores the nuanced ways humans can be led astray through small sins and gradual spiritual deterioration, with Screwtape emphasizing that “the safest road to Hell is the gradual one.” Ultimately, Wormwood fails in his mission, as the Patient becomes a committed Christian and dies during the Blitz, going to Heaven—a result that leads Screwtape to threaten to consume Wormwood for his incompetence.

Derry Church Families Invited to Register for 2025-26 Preschool Classes

Derry Discovery Days Preschool is now accepting registrations from Derry Church families for their 1- and 2-Year old classrooms starting in September 2025.  These classes meet 2-4 times a week from 9-11:30 am and offer great socialization and early learning with loving teachers.

The preschool also has limited space available in our afternoon 4-Year-Old Butterfly Class that focuses on kindergarten preparation. Please contact Laura Cox, preschool director, for more information and to set up a tour.

Square Dancing + Desserts


Bring a dessert to share and lace up your dancing shoes: it’s time for Derry’s annual square dance! Half-way through we’ll take a break to sample delicious desserts brought by the participants, and the best-dressed boy and girl will be recognized. Bring a friend or neighbor! All ages welcome.

Presbyterian Women’s Tea


All females are invited to the 2025 Winter Tea themed “Songs of Faith.” Attendees will share a story or memory of a special song or hymn of faith. Singing is not required, but you can if you wish. It’s a great time to get to know fellow members and children better: no one is too young or too old to enjoy fellowship, tea and treats. 

Meet Simran, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

Dear Sponsor, Greetings of the day! My name is Simran. I am study in class 3rd. My father is a laborer and is very hard working. My favourite subject is English and Science. My class teacher is very caring. I love to sit in my new classroom. Thank you for your generosity. God bless you.

Since 2012, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 6,000 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha. 

Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide 11 scholarships every year. You can help.

One share is $40, making it easy to support a portion of a scholarship so that more children can receive a quality, life-changing education. A full scholarship is $400/year for a day student and $800/year for a boarding student.  

You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or click here to read more and make your donation online

This fundraiser continues through February.

February is Blanket Offering Month

The Blanket Offering is collected in February. We are so blessed to live in warm comfortable homes with access to convenient hygiene. Think about people displaced from their homes due to a natural disaster or homelessness. Great comfort can be provided by the simple objects of a blanket and a hygiene kit. Church World Service provides these to shelters and emergency centers.  

This winter, central and southern Ohio experienced record-breaking cold and widespread power outages. Many people found themselves seeking refuge in local warming centers. CWS provided blankets and hygiene kits for these shelters to hand out to their guests. Bethlehem on Broad Street, an ecumenical Christmas Day event in Columbus, Ohio, was so thankful for the supplies they were able to hand out.

  • A $10 donation provides a blanket to someone in need
  • A $25 donation provides both a blanket and a hygiene kit, offering warmth and essential supplies
  • A $60 donation funds a family bundle, providing blankets and hygiene kits for an entire family, ensuring they have what they need in challenging times.

Imagine the impact of your compassion for someone experiencing a dire need, and give generously to the Blanket Offering. Click here to give online, or give cash or checks (to Derry Church, notated Blanket Offering) using envelopes in the pew rack and placed in an offering box or returned to the church office.

January 2025 Session Highlights

  • Re-elected Kathy Yingst as Clerk of Session and Michelle Curry, CPA of Achenbach & Curry, as Treasurer for terms of one year.
  • Greg Taylor of Stewardship & Finance reported that due to generous congregational giving and underspending by church committees, we finished 2024 with a positive change in net assets of $86,243. After discussion, the Session approved adding 50% of this overage to the general budget equity account to be available for use towards a potential deficit at the end of 2025, 25% to the Capital Facilities Fund, and 25% to Mission for special projects.
  • The Session reviewed and approved Pastor Shawn’s 2025 Covenant of Agreement.
  • Tom Davis and Mike Leader will be Session’s representatives on the Nominating Committee.
  • All active Elders were elected as Commissioners for the 2025 Presbytery meetings.
  • The Session amended Derry’s Building Use Policy by adjusting the impact fees charged to outside groups. In the future, any non-profit group wishing to use space within the church will be given a 25% discount on the rental fee.
  • Approved the use of the Chapel and Fellowship Hall on March 15 by the Children of the American Revolution. This group is staying in Hershey for its state conference and is interested in using Derry for a short memorial service due to our historic cemetery. They plan to lay a wreath on a grave of a Revolutionary War veteran as a remembrance.
  • The Churches Helping Churches grant program has been renewed for 2025. New applications should be submitted by April 15. This year’s budget for the program is $30,000 which will be taken from the Futures Fund.
  • This May through July, Emma Burke will be working as a summer AV Intern. Emma is studying public relations at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication at Syracuse University.
  • Two Easter worship services will be held this year at 9 and 11 am. Breakfast will be served from 8 until 10:30 am.
  • The Christian Education Committee’s request to add one additional paid nursery worker for Terrific Tuesdays was approved. Personnel will look for additional nursery workers to create a pool of back-up workers to ensure compliance with the Safe Children Standards.
  • Danielle Gobel was hired as a Derry Discovery Days substitute.
  • Derry is working with the Friends of PEB to gather a group of 8-12 people who will travel to Pakistan in October. Up to $30,000 from the Futures Fund has been approved to defray some of the costs associated with the trip for Derry members and PEB in Pakistan.
  • The Membership Connections Committee would like to give each new member family a copy of the 300th anniversary children’s book. They will solicit sponsors for book donations for this purpose.

Register for the Winter Series of New Member Classes


The winter series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Mar 16.

Registration by Feb 19 is appreciated but not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).

Do You Need a New Photo for the Church Directory?

The 2025 directory will be printed in late March, so now is a great time to have a new photo taken — especially those families whose children have grown up a lot since their last photo. Anyone who would like a new photo (or who never had a photo taken) is encouraged to have one taken by Sue George on Sunday mornings following the worship services, or you can stop in the church office during the week. To schedule a time, send Sue an email. Or look for Sue in the Narthex or Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings.

Orange Day is Saturday, Jan 25

On Orange Day, Presbyterian Women focus on the exploitation of females worldwide by wearing orange or an orange ribbon.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, Pennsylvania ranks among the top states in reporting cases. One of the most persistent myths is the assumption that it exclusively involves abduction or kidnapping, but this is true for less than 10% of trafficking cases nationally. Instead, traffickers groom their victims over time, exploiting vulnerabilities like age, poverty, substance abuse or unstable housing. Many victims already know their traffickers, and most traffickers are of the same ethnic group as the victims.

Wear orange Saturday to show support for those trying to end human trafficking.

January 2025 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 12/30/24:

        ACTUAL        BUDGETED
Income YTD:     $1,385,868        $1,322,800  
Expenses YTD:      $1,299,624        $1,373,459
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:          $ 86,244          ($50,659)

Sunday Bulletin Update

As the new year begins, our office staff is working to cut down on paper waste (we recycle lots of Sunday bulletins). One way we can do that is by printing fewer copies. Bulletins will be available at all the entrances: take what you need as you enter, and share if possible. Consider if you need to take one: at the 10:30 am service, you can participate without a bulletin. We invite you to give it a try!