Save the Date: Lasses & Lassies Banquet
Women, mark your calendar! This year’s banquet theme is Herstory at Derry (300 Years of Herstory). Details & tickets available soon.
Arts Alive Presents: Anthracite Marimba
Percussionist Bob Nowak takes the stage with five talented musicians to play some of his favorite tunes for marimbas, including “Bolero,” selections from “Carmen,” March from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “Joplin Rag Medley.”
Bob played timpani for our Easter Sunday services, and for the past 20 years it’s been an annual tradition to welcome him and the marimbas in Sunday morning worship. Arts Alive is pleased to welcome Anthracite Marimba for their first Derry Church concert.
March 2024 Session Highlights
March 27, 2024- Approved the use of the church building for the following events:
- Wedding of Megan Jenkins and Brady Demey (non-members) on Saturday, April 26, 2025, to be officiated by Pastor Stephen – use of the Sanctuary plus rooms for the wedding party.
- Musical program and reception as requested by the American Guild of Organists-Harrisburg Chapter on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 4 pm using the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and kitchen.
- Senior Recital and reception featuring Mathias Van de Louw on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 4 pm in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Derry Church members are invited to attend this event.
- Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee.
- A cemetery workday to ready that area for various heritage events this year will be held on April 13. Volunteers interested in assisting should contact Bill Alexander.
- The Derry 300 Committee has purchased a bronze sign describing the location and
importance of the Derry spring. The sign will be installed along the bank in the rear of the church overlooking the golf course fairway and Derry spring. The Session approved the painting of a mural consisting of scenes from the 1700’s which will be placed next to the spring. Claudia Holtzman will be painting the mural which will be on marine grade plywood. - The Building & Grounds Committee submitted two Capital Procurement Requisitions for review and consideration. The first is to repair damaged Dryvit (synthetic stucco) on areas around the church damaged over time, and to inspect and repair/replace existing caulking around windows, sill ledges and joints. While the exact cost of the project will be dependent on damage discovered during the inspection, the estimated cost is $60,000. The second CPR is to add the final sections of downspouts and gutters to the rear of the church building. This is the final section of spouting/gutters to be replaced and added as other areas have been addressed. Cost of this project is estimated to be $30,000. The Elders will be reviewing these items with their respective committees. Final action will occur at the May stated Session meeting.
- Approved the Derry Discovery Days Board’s request to invite the Cool Beans Brew coffee truck to return to Derry on May 8, 2024, from 8 to 10 am to provide coffee, tea and other beverages to the DDD staff for Teacher Appreciation Week.
- It was the pleasure of the Session to meet with and receive the following new members on Sunday, March 17: Shauna Hoffman, Katelyn & Austin Laidler, Erica & Brendan MacFarlane, Ashley & Brian Shields, Linda Weller and David Whitenack.
Introductory Meeting: “Wellness Connections” Planning Team
March 27, 20249-10 AM SUNDAY, APR 21 IN THE LOUNGE
Are you a biker, hiker, kayaker, or someone looking to join other Derry members for a walk? The Wellness Task Force introduces the “Wellness Connections” planning team to facilitate informal meet-ups for Derry members and friends to participate in a variety of outdoor activities and fellowship. If you are interested in organizing or participating in an activity, join the team on April 21 or contact Tim Mosher.
Derry Day Trippers Plan April Outing
March 27, 2024On Sunday, April 7, the Day Trippers will attend the Paloma Irish Dancers performance at Derry Church at 4 pm, followed by 6 pm dinner at Hidden Still in Hershey. RSVP to Sue Whitaker by April 2.
The Derry Day Trippers social group welcomes everyone to participate in events they’re planning over the next few months. Contact Sue Whitaker for more information and to RSVP.
Derry has a New Shepherd Group!
March 27, 2024All Derry members belong to a Shepherd Group that offers care and support by geographic region. Our newest group — 99 — is for those who do not live in proximity to Derry Church. These Derry members live as far away as Florida, Texas, and Oregon, and worship regularly by live stream. Deacon Mike Reed oversees the new group.
To find out more about Derry’s Shepherd Groups, contact Ellen O’Keefe, moderator of the board of Deacons.
Help CWS Harrisburg Provide for Refugees’ Urgent Needs
March 27, 2024Derry’s mission partner CWS Harrisburg will welcome more than triple the number of refugees that were welcomed last year. Funding sources do not adequately serve clients’ basic needs, especially those with more vulnerabilities including single mothers and those with severe medical issues. Your donations will be put to work immediately.
Send checks payable to CWS Harrisburg, 2101 N. Front Street, Building 3, Floor 3, Harrisburg, PA, 17110 or click to give online. Questions? Contact Erika Juran or call 717-660-5312.
PW April Events
March 27, 2024- “Climate Change and Global Warming: What We Can Do” will be the morning program for the Spring Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Carlisle on Apr 13 at Falling Springs Presbyterian Church, Chambersburg. Registration begins at 9:15 am. The afternoon session, “Cancer Concerns for Women,” will be presented by Laura Umbrell, Oncology Navigator for Wellspan Chambersburg. A light lunch will be available for a small donation.
- PW Circle will meet on April 10 (instead of the 17) at 1 pm in the Lounge. The topic will be “Lydia Encounters Jesus in Worship.”
March 2024 Financial Snapshot
March 20, 2024Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 2/29/24:
Income YTD: | $299,522 | $218,467 |
Expenses YTD: | $185,064 | $225,910 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | $114,459 | ($7,443) |
In Jesus Christ There Is a New Creation
March 20, 2024For Derry’s 300th anniversary (1724-2024), the church commissioned a hymn from Rev. David Gambrell, associate for worship in the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship, and contributor to our “Glory to God” hymnal.
Set to the traditional Irish tune “Londonderry Aire,” the hymn “In Jesus Christ There is a New Creation” had its world premiere on March 17 at the Arts Alive Hymn Festival. This video is a recording of the world premiere performance. The congregation will sing it for the first time in worship on Heritage Sunday, April 28.
Here is the hymn text:
1. In Jesus Christ there is a new creation. the past is gone; a new life has begun. The time has come to bind up what is broken, return to God, and learn to live as one.
Refrain: Lift up your hearts and join the celebration! In Christ our Lord the promises are true. Sing praise to God, who made the earth and heavens, and even now in Christ is making all things new.
2. Through troubled times together we have traveled, yet every step has led us to this place. Now in Christ’s name we share a sacred calling: the work of peace, the ministry of grace. (Refrain)
3. There is a tree that stands beside the water — the tree of life, beside a living spring. Its leaves are for the healing of the nations. Beneath its shade the saints and angels sing. (Refrain)
Cemetery Work Day
In preparation for the rededication of the cemetery happening later this year, the Buildings & Grounds Committee has planned a work day to standardize the flags throughout the cemetery, wash and treat the marble tombstones for mildew, install two benches, and place pavers at the entrance to the cemetery. Many hands needed! Questions? Contact Bill Alexander.
Status Update on “Ians Baskets” for Cancer Patients
March 20, 2024Our 2024 confirmation students have been given $100 to bless an organization, mission, or cause they are passionate about. The students aren’t just donating $100: they are using it to start something with a bigger impact.
Anne Burke is preparing gift baskets to share with cancer patients in memory of her grandfather, and so far has enough supplies to assemble 19 baskets. To help Anne get additional supplies to fill more baskets, you can purchase from this Amazon wish list and items will be shipped directly to Derry Church.
Learn more on Sunday: see Anne in the Narthex, where she will be available to answer questions and share shopping lists.