
Take Part in Derry’s Summer Reading Olympics June 2-Aug 20

Derry Church is back with another exciting summer reading program! Each event or challenge you complete earns you a chance at coming up with a title for one of Pastor Stephen’s upcoming sermons. There are 10 possible challenges in Derry’s Summer Reading Olympics. Click this link to access the information sheet with all the details and a place to keep track of your progress. 

Send your photos to Sue George and earn two raffle entries per photo!

Introducing Derry’s Summer AV Intern

Welcome Austin Pease, Derry’s first-ever AV intern! Over the next six weeks, Austin will be producing the Sunday morning live stream, creating a new welcome video for the church, documenting the youth trip to Ireland, and more. 

Says Austin, “I’ve been a member of Derry Church since before I can remember. I grew to love the congregation here, and all the kindness everyone shares. I’m studying Film and Business Management at Kutztown University. I’ve worked at the Derry A/V board for many years now, and am overjoyed to play a larger role in the church’s audio and visual presence.”

GriefShare Support Group Begins


GriefShare is a friendly, caring group who walkS alongside people through one of life’s most difficult experiences, offering support to those who are dealing with the loss of a loved ones from death.

Each GriefShare session is organized in two parts. During the first 30-40 minutes of the meeting, the group views a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. These videos are produced in an interesting-to-watch television magazine format featuring expert interviews, real-life case studies, dramatic reenactments and on-location video. Following the video, participants spend time discussing what was presented on that week’s video seminar and what is going on in each other’s lives.

Those interested may begin attending the GriefShare group any time during the 13-week series. Each session is self-contained, and any missed weeks can be joined when the next series is offered.

This group meets in the John Elder Classroom: enter the building through door #4 or, if you need an elevator, door #1. Register by contacting the church office (717-533-9667). No cost to attend. Child care is not available.

May 2024 Session Highlights

  • Received members of Derry’s 2024 Confirmation class for membership. Congratulations and welcome to Emmie Achorn, Anne Burke, Alex Patton, and Katie Steelman.  
  • Approved the use of the church building for the following events:
    • Wedding of Taylor Bracale and Tanner Fitting (non-members) on Saturday, May 10, 2025, to be officiated by Pastor Stephen – use of the Sanctuary plus rooms for the wedding party.
    • Susquehanna Chorale’s spring 2025 concert: rehearsal on Monday, April 28 and program on Friday, May 16, use of Sanctuary, choir room and warm up rooms.
    • Music program featuring Dan Dorty and friends on Friday, July 26, 2024 in the Sanctuary.
  • Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee.
  • Appointed Cindy Warnock as Derry’s Key Person with Londonderry Village. This program, which Londonderry supports with various community churches, enlists volunteers to help with projects and activities of its Auxiliary. Cindy will be our liaison and will be sharing information on fundraisers and other activities at Londonderry Village.
  • The Christian Education Committee will be holding a Women’s Retreat at Kenbrook Camp February 21-23, 2025 at which Rev. Nancy Reinert will speak on the topic of “God, the Master Gardener.” Look for more information in the Enews as the date approaches.
  • Approved Capital Procurement Requisitions to repair damaged Dryvit (synthetic stucco) on areas around the church damaged over time along with inspecting and repairing existing caulking around windows, sill ledges and joints and the installation of final sections of downspouts and gutters to the rear of the church building. 
  • Approved Derry Discovery Days’ request to permit Adele Hosenfeld to construct a nature kitchen in Derry’s playground as her Eagle Scout project.
  • Approved hiring requests for Derry Discovery Days: Megan Rhen – substitute teacher and Stephanie Crandall – aide in the Butterfly morning class.
  • This year’s church picnic will be held on Sunday, June 2. No reservations are required and there is no charge for the picnic. Donations of $8/family are appreciated. This year’s picnic is sponsored by Derry’s Membership & Involvement Committee and the 300th Anniversary Committee. All are encouraged to attend and enjoy this time of fellowship and good food.

Derry Church Offers Safe Sitter Training


Derry Church is hosting a “Safe Sitter” class for young people who would like to learn best practices for babysitters. This class is presented by the Penn State Health Children’s Hospital Pediatric Trauma and Injury Prevention Program Team.  

Youth ages 12 years and older are invited to register. No charge for Derry Church youth. Participants will be taught the essentials of safe babysitting and will receive a handbook and a completion card. Students should bring their own lunch and/or snacks.  

The class will be taught by Emmy Sasala, MEd, CPSTI, Trauma Prevention Coordinator and Safe Kids Capital Region Coordinator and her team from the Penn State Health Children’s Hospital.  

RSVP to the Derry Church office at 717-533-9667 or by email to our Faith Community Nurse, Beckie Freiberg. Class size is limited to 20 participants. Free for Derry Church youth. For youth in the community, cost is $20 cash or $25 if paying by check.

It’s Time to Register for Vacation Bible School

In a world that is too often divided by race, class, ethnicity, and country of origin, “Agents of Peace” Vacation Bible School is a reminder that the love of God and the way of peace transcend all borders and divisions. All are welcome in the family of God. Led by God’s Spirit, we can all participate in creating a more peaceful world.

Derry’s VBS program is open to children age 4 – entering grade 5. Children must be toilet trained. $10 per child, maximum $40 per family. 

Registration for 2024 has closed.

Derry’s Playground Now Has a Nature Kitchen!

Adele Hosenfeld has built a Nature Kitchen as her Eagle Scout project. Nature Kitchens allow children to experiment with natural materials in an outdoor setting and provide endless opportunities for nature-centered play, sensory exploration and learning. Items such as acorns, rocks, sand, grass, leaves, pinecones, shells are collected, gathered and mixed, “baked,” stirred and “washed” to create culinary masterpieces.

Thank you, Adele, for your amazing creativity, design and building skills. Derry Church and Discovery Days preschool children are already enjoying this new play area.

Join Derry Friends for a Saturday Morning Bike Ride


Thank you to David Whitenack and John and Barb Lefko for organizing a fabulous bike ride on May 19 to kick off Derry’s new wellness connection program. It was a great day to be outdoors.

Mark your calendar for our next event: riding on the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail. This flat, paved trail runs along the east shore of the Susquehanna from Falmouth to Columbia. It is mostly shaded and has beautiful views of the river, farmland, parks, historic ruins, and Chickie’s rock. We will be stopping in Columbia for a coffee (or ice cream, depending on the weather) before returning.

Choose from three distance options:

  1. Long ride (28 miles) leaving from the Falmouth Boat Launch parking area at 9 AM
  2. Medium ride (14 miles) joining the group at the Rivertrail Pavilion in Marietta at 9:30 AM
  3. Short ride (5 miles) joining the group at Marietta Iron Furnace Park Northwest River Trail Parking Lot at 10 AM

Contact Tim Mosher for more information. 

Wear Orange on Saturday, May 25

Join Derry’s Presbyterian Women and wear orange or an orange ribbon on May 25 to show awareness of exploitation of females and show support for those working to end it.

The UN verified 3,688 cases of rape and other sexual violence committed in war in 2023, a 50% increase over the previous year. The report covers incidents, patterns, and trends across situations of concern, including Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, Myanmar, and Democratic Republic of Congo. About 95% of the cases involve women and girls. The global scale is actually higher due to underreported, historically hidden crimes. For every survivor who comes forward, many others are silenced by social pressure, stigma, paucity of services, and limited prospects for justice. Suggestions for decreasing incidents include greater women participation, weapon regulations and embargoes, and change on the ground. Pray for the victims on Saturday as you wear orange.