
Wear Orange on Saturday, May 25

Join Derry’s Presbyterian Women and wear orange or an orange ribbon on May 25 to show awareness of exploitation of females and show support for those working to end it.

The UN verified 3,688 cases of rape and other sexual violence committed in war in 2023, a 50% increase over the previous year. The report covers incidents, patterns, and trends across situations of concern, including Israel, Gaza, Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine, Myanmar, and Democratic Republic of Congo. About 95% of the cases involve women and girls. The global scale is actually higher due to underreported, historically hidden crimes. For every survivor who comes forward, many others are silenced by social pressure, stigma, paucity of services, and limited prospects for justice. Suggestions for decreasing incidents include greater women participation, weapon regulations and embargoes, and change on the ground. Pray for the victims on Saturday as you wear orange.

May 2024 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 4/28/24:

        YTD      BUDGET
Income YTD:     $547,893     $436,933
Expenses YTD:      $399,242     $451,820
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:      $148,651      ($14,887

Mission Updates

Derry Does It: Surpassing the 2024 Goal for One Great Hour!
Thanks to your generosity we exceeded our One Great Hour of Sharing offering goal of $19,000! The $20,136 total was shared equally with the Presbyterian Church USA and our mission effort in the Dominican Republic with Bridges to Community.

Selling your car?
Do you currently have a six-passenger car or van for sale? Our refugee family is in need of reliable transportation in the $5,000-$8,000 range. If you can help, contact Pete Feil.

Pakistan Scholarships: Sensational 2024 Final Report!

The final tallies are in, and Derry Church, you are AMAZING! Because of your generosity, dozens of deserving students are attending Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) schools in Pakistan at no cost to their families:

  • 38 student scholarships continue through the 2024 “Shares for Scholarships” program, which includes 29 day students and nine boarding students: $18,852
  • Mission Madness raised enough to support 12 day students: $4,800
  • Additional students are supported through the general scholarship fund from dollars raised through the “Shares for Scholarships” campaign: $5,695

2024 GRAND TOTAL: $23,652!

Thank you, Derry Church, for giving so generously to provide a better life for others.

In the fall, Derry’s Friends of Sargodha will offer the 2024 Mark Smith Christmas ornament for sale, and those proceeds will also support student scholarships.  

Support our Confirmands with Notes of Encouragement

Confirmation Sunday is May 19, and this year we have four confirmands: Katie Steelman, Alex Patton, Emmie Achorn, and Anne Burke. Derry Church invites you to write a note, card, or  letter encouraging them in their faith, honoring the ways they’ve been a part of the church, and sending your prayers with them as they continue their journey in faith.

Drop your notes in the bags you will find for each confirmand on a table outside the sanctuary on May 19. Notes can also be sent to the church office. Each bag full of notes of encouragement, thanksgiving, and prayers will be a blessing to our confirmands as they continue their faith journeys as members of Derry Church.

Do You Have a Graduate in Your Family? Let us know!

In preparation for Graduate Recognition Sunday on June 2, the church office requests information on all those graduating from high school, college, and grad school by Wednesday, May 29. Please send the following details to Kathy Yingst: name of the graduate (and their parents); school graduating from, school attending in the fall and anticipated course of study or the graduate’s future plans. 

Derry Church Has Three AEDs! 

Here at Derry Church we now have three wall-mounted AEDs* that are charged and ready for use:

  • In the hallway between the kitchen and Fellowship Hall
  • In the hall outside the Hammond Library and the Chapel
  • On the lower level hallway by Room 5

Each AED cabinet is equipped with an AED, responders kit, extra pads, and an overdose kit.

If you would like to learn more about how to use the AED or the overdose kit, feel free to contact our Faith Community Nurse Beckie Freiberg and she will show you what to do. 

*An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It’s a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm.

Mathias Van de Louw Presents “Saxophone Throughout History”


For his recital, Mathias Van de Louw will play various pieces from the history of the saxophone repertoire. His program aims to create a timeline of how saxophone repertoire has changed since the invention of the instrument as well as to present pieces of various different styles to the audience. Highlights from the program include transcriptions of Eccles’ Sonata for String Bass and Debussy’s Syrinx, as well as a waltz titled Valse Vanite by saxophone virtuoso Rudy Weidoeft.

Mathias is a senior at Hershey High School who has been playing the saxophone for over eight years. He has studied saxophone with Tom Strohman as well as composition and music theory with Greg Strohman. His leadership skills shine through his role as drum major for the Hershey Trojan Marching Band and his internship with Mr. Brandon Buterbaugh, Director of Bands at Hershey High School. Mathias’s musical talent has earned him a place in prestigious ensembles like the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District, Region, and All-State Bands, as well as membership in the Tri-M Music Honor Society. Excited to further his musical journey, Mathias will pursue saxophone studies under the guidance of Dr. Timothy McAllister at the University of Michigan this fall.

Items Requested for Hygiene Bags

Presbyterian Women is collecting items for hygiene bags for the Domestic Violence Center in Harrisburg. Items needed:

  • Large-tooth combs
  • Deodorants
  • Toothbrushes
  • Sample size toothpastes
  • Lotions, shampoos, and soaps
  • Disposable razors
  • Tissue packets

Items can be left in the Presbyterian Women’s basket in the mission closet through May. Also, 30 bags still need to be sewn. Kits of 10 can be picked up from the basket or by seeing Doris Feil. Sewing should be completed by May 26.

Coming Soon: Derry’s Delicious Church Picnic!


It’s almost time for the church picnic! Get ready for food, fun and fellowship for all ages.

On the menu: meat from Mission Bar-B-Q along with coleslaw, baked beans, potato salad, rolls, ice cream and beverages.

No need to RSVP. Suggested donation of $8 per person (free for ages six & under) can be given at the picnic.

CLICK HERE to help. Many hands needed, from setup and serving to cleanup afterwards. Questions? Contact Karen Carns.

Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass Return to Derry Church


Tim Zimmerman and The King’s Brass present hymn classics with a contemporary flair. The King’s Brass features three trumpets, three trombones, a tuba, percussion and keyboards. These instruments blend together to create an innovative worship experience enjoyed by all ages. Secular and sacred music critics alike applaud their concerts as “superb in every way” and “innovative and well played.” “Truly, an unforgettable experience!”

The King’s Brass, formed four decades ago in Detroit, is comprised of professional musicians from across the country who desire to use the instruments they love to lead others in praise and worship. Based out of Fort Wayne, Indiana, the group plays over 150 concerts per year from coast to coast as well as international destinations. They last played at Derry Church in 2022.