Approved a donation policy for non-cash items with the purpose of assuring that such gifts are appropriately used by the church and to guide donors in their giving decisions.
Reviewed a plan from the Communication & Technology Committee to upgrade our security firewall, WiFi access points, and install Zoom Room capability in room 7. These enhancements will improve security and online access, and the Zoom Room will provide a quality hybrid (in-person and online) experience for participation in meetings and classes. This item will be reviewed over the next month and voted upon in November.
Discussed how and where to house the Syrian refugee family as their lease with Love INC will be ending in the next several months. This matter will be further discussed at the November meeting.
Approved updating church bank accounts at PNC, Northwest, and Truist to allow Vice Treasurer, Craig Kegerise, access to those accounts.
Approved moving the annual per capita line item from the Stewardship & Finance budget to the Mission budget. This is a pass-through item and will not take funds away from the Mission committee’s support of charitable organizations.
Approved Church World Service’s request to sell handmade refugee items in Fellowship Hall on Sundays throughout November.
Derry will continue its support of Derry Township Social Ministry’s Giving Tree and Derry’s Racetrack Ministry by collecting $25 Walmart gift cards. These can be brought to the church during Derry’s “Season of Giving” November 27 – December 11 and deposited in the collection points located in the Narthex.
Christian Churches United was designated as the recipient of the Christmas Eve special offering.
The annual chili cook-off and square dance is back and scheduled for February 25, 2023.