Meet Aliza, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

Dear Friend of EMS Sargodha School, I’m Aliza, a sixth grader, and one of three siblings. I love painting in my free time; it’s my favorite hobby! Studying is my passion, but it’s tough for my father to afford it. Your donation is a blessing. Because of you, I can attend a good school and chase my dream. I am a good player in badminton. Thank you very much.

Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide 11 scholarships every year. You can help.

One share is $40, making it easy to support a portion of a scholarship so that more children can receive a quality, life-changing education. A full scholarship is $400/year for a day student and $800/year for a boarding student.  

You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or click here to read more and make your donation online

This fundraiser continues through February 2025.