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- Rev. Kristal Smith, Presbytery Leader for Governance and Congregational Leadership met with the Session to bring updates on the Presbytery’s work and answer questions. She discussed Rev. Cheryl Galan’s recent retirement and adjustments being made as a result. Of particular interest was Rev. Smith’s discussion of Per Capita giving – how it started and how it is calculated and used. Current per capita is $31/Derry Church member, distributed as follows: $18.95 stays with Carlisle Presbytery, $2.40 to Synod of the Trinity, and $9.65 to General Assembly. Derry pays the per capita for each church member – a total of $27,435 for this year.
- April’s financial reports show that expenses for the month exceeded the budget primarily due to the payment of the per capita giving. However, we are about $18,000 ahead of budget for the year.
- Approved two Capital Procurement Requisitions – the first to rewire the church network, which includes removing old/unused wiring, consolidating junctions, locating and labeling all cables, and installing updated Cat6 wiring. Cost of the project is $12,000. The second project will include upgrading the Chapel bell tower, adding a new stairway between the rear parking lot and Mansion Road entrance, correcting water runoff issues around the church building, and renovations to classrooms 4, 5, and 7AB. Cost of the project is $150,000.
- Reviewed and approved an updated Gift Acceptance Policy which clarifies actions that need to be taken when discussing and receiving gifts being made to the church, whether monetary donations or tangible items.
- Stewardship & Finance has implemented several new policies regarding fund investment and re-balancing. Those items of business were approved.
- Authorized obtaining a business credit card for ME Steelman with a $5,000 limit.
- Reviewed and approved a new position description for a Nursery Childcare Leader. This position will help with scheduling and coordinating care as well as oversight of the nursery. With Sue Fox retiring, a new leader for the nursery is necessary.