Coin Return on Sunday, June 16

Change 4 Children will be collected on Sunday. Your coins benefit ACE Zambia (Alliance for Children Everywhere), which has several programs. One of the newer efforts is serving as partners with the government to prepare over 450 local families for fostering and adoption. Four areas of the program are:

  • Raising awareness of the need for foster and adoptive families in Zambia
  • Preparing prospective ones through training sessions
  • Evaluating families’ preparedness
  • Maintaining a registry of vetted families to be matched with a child for emergency, short-term and permanent placement, with a goal of maintaining family relations whenever possible

Place your coin-filled ziplock bags in baskets as you exit the Chapel and Sanctuary, bagging any foreign coins separately. Make sure bags contain ONLY coins (no paper clips, pins, batteries, tokens, or extraneous items). Thank you for supporting children in Zambia.