Bring Your Spare Change to Help Children in Zambia

Change 4 Children has been a project of Christian Ed for many years. Your donations go to Alliance for Children Everywhere in Zambia, which states: “Family is at the heart of everything we do. We show the love of Jesus by bringing orphaned and vulnerable children into secure families, schools and communities.” Their temporary crisis homes are House of Moses (0-2yrs) and Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery (2-5yrs).

Additional programs include food relief, skills training, savings groups, and seed capital for micro-enterprises for parents. There are seven FaithWorks primary schools and the Helen Devos Christian School for secondary education. Change will be collected Sunday, Sept 15 in baskets outside the Sanctuary and Chapel. Place coins in zip-closed bags, making sure there are no extraneous items included such as paper clips, batteries, pins, buttons, tokens, etc.  Place foreign coins in a separate bag. Thanks for your support.