Awesome VBS Volunteers!
July 12, 2023
Three cheers to this amazing group of volunteers who led Derry’s “A Place at the Table” Vacation Bible School this past week. Click to see photos from this fun and busy week.
This year’s Vacation Bible School explored how meaningful, healing, comforting and encouraging it can be to have “A Place at the Table.” Participating families donated to Derry’s mission partners that help everyone feel like they have “A Place at the Table.” Now church families are invited to support our mission partners by bringing items to worship on Sunday or dropping off at the church office by Thursday, July 20. Items needed:
Hershey Food Bank: Canned meats, soups, peanut butter, rice, shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste
Grantville Racetrack Ministry: Reusable water bottles
Gather the Spirit: Financial donations
Downtown Daily Bread: Men’s & women’s underwear, dark colored socks and disposable razors
Items may be placed on the chancel and financial donations may be placed in the secure donation boxes outside the kitchen and office suite. Mark your checks or envelopes “VBS Missions.”