2023 Stewardship Campaign
October 12, 2022
In the past week, you should have received a stewardship mailing including a letter, magnet, and pledge card. Stewardship Sunday is Nov 13, the day our pledges will be dedicated for 2023. That afternoon we’ll celebrate with the “Basically Broadway” talent show.
Your financial support is essential for furthering the mission and ministry of Derry Church. Please take a moment to pledge online, mail your estimate of giving card to the church, or bring it with you on or before Nov 13 and place it in one of the offering boxes. Estimate of giving cards are also available at church.
Questions? Did we miss sending you a mailing or a magnet? Contact Sandy Miceli.
If you have been using our online giving platform and you are making a change to your pledge for 2023, you will need to apply that adjustment in your Vanco account. Thank you for your ongoing support of Derry Church.