2022 Season of Giving
November 22, 2022
From Nov 27 – the first Sunday in Advent – through Sunday, Dec 11, Derry Church will be giving AND receiving! In the upstairs hallway, you can pick up our 2022 Advent devotional and support these Derry Church mission partners at designated stations in the narthex:
- $25 Walmart gift cards for workers at the Grantville Racetrack Ministry, or write a check to Derry Church notated RTM. Goal = 40 gift cards.
- $25 Walmart gift cards for Derry Township Social Ministry families (Hershey Food Bank clients) to choose what they need most… or write a check to Derry Church notated DTSM. Goal = 60 gift cards.
- A group of local musicians and visual artists have combined to produce a downloadable Christmas album of 33 songs, Joy to the Burg 2022, and a collection of eight holiday greeting cards. For a $20 donation, you can have the album, and for a $15 donation, you can have the greeting cards. Cash, or checks made out to “CCU,” are welcome. All proceeds go to Christian Churches United, which is the recipient of our 2022 Christmas Eve offering.
- Bethesda Mission is sponsoring a food drive to supply Christmas dinners for their clients. Derry’s goal = 25 cans of sweet potatoes/yams (40 ounces) and 25 boxes of brownie mix for their dinner fixings.
- Medical supplies for Christ Lutheran Church’s Medical Mission.
- Pick up an Advent devotional booklet written by Derry members and staff, or click here to download a copy (PDF).
- Drop off your coins for the Change 4 Children offering to benefit the Alliance for Children Everywhere in Zambia.