$10 Buys a Blanket for Someone in Need
February 9, 2022Presbyterian Women will be collecting the Church World Service Blanket Offering during the month of February.
The needs are still great for suffering people around the world. A $10 donation provides a blanket or other emergency help. Blankets were distributed to homeless on the streets of New York during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. New arrivals who fled violence and persecution in their homeland and are seeking refuge in the US were provided blankets and hygiene kits. People suffering the effects of the hurricanes last year in North Carolina were given clean-up kits to begin their recovery.
From January to June 2021, 23,610 blankets were packed and delivered wherever they were needed. The needs keep coming. Your donation to the Blanket Offering will help Church World Service continue their work. Click to give online, use offering envelopes available in the pews, or write checks to Derry Church notated “Blanket Offering.”