Loretta Chubb • Hospitality Coordinator
July 21, 2022It’s great to see people coming back to church and enjoying food, fun and fellowship. Speaking of food and fellowship: there are opportunities coming up that you and your family can enjoy and participate in here at Derry Church.
Take the night off from cooking and enjoy a meal at the church. Terrific Tuesdays return on Tuesday, Sept 13 starting at 5 pm. We generally are able to serve until close to 6 pm. The meal includes an entrée, vegetables, salad, drink and dessert, and the cost is just $5 for ages 6 and over while children age 5 and under are free. We are always looking for help to serve and then clean up after the meal. If you are interested in helping, get in touch with me by sending me an email.

Post Worship Fellowship following the Sunday (10:30 am) church service has started up again and is going well. This is a great time to catch up with fellow church members and friends and have a couple of cookies and an iced tea or lemonade. There are also opportunities for you to assist with “hosting” Post Worship Fellowship on Sundays. Click here to sign up or give me a call if you are interested. The cookies and drinks are supplied: all you have to do is stop in the kitchen at about 10:15 am to get instructions. You will be helping to plate cookies and other snacks, serve the drinks and assist with cleanup afterwards. If you have a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, homecoming or other special event you want to celebrate, feel free to provide additional refreshments.
Since the spring of 2020, we’ve added some equipment to the kitchen. We replaced our aging Vulcan gas stove with a new, more efficient model with six burners, two ovens and a griddle. The new gas stove saves gas, is more efficient and has more safety features than our old oven. It’s been working very well since it was installed almost two years ago. This spring we obtained a slightly used 20-quart mixer. Through the generosity of Susan Hines, owner of Steve Hines General Store on the road to Elizabethtown, we accepted this special donation. It’s already been put to good use in mixing up cookie dough as well as a real nice batch of twice baked potatoes. This makes mixing a large batch so much easier.
In the near future I’m looking forward to starting a group to make cookies for Post Worship Fellowship. Keep an eye on the weekly eNews for further information.