Kathy & Ron Hetrick • Derry Members
October 19, 2023
Pastor Stephen asked Ron and me to write this article for the eNews reflecting on how we can relate to the theme “God Gives,” which has been chosen for the Fall stewardship emphasis this year.
Carrying out this request actually gave us the opportunity to stop and reflect on the many many gifts that we have received from God, especially since joining Derry Church in May 2022.
During my lifetime, I have developed a theory that has been proven over and over again. Ron teases me about my commitment to it, but he has seen real results many times…whenever we engaged in acts of “giving to others” (of our time, talents, money or other resources) we have been rewarded many times over in one way or another. I truly believe that God has provided us with our needs (and then some) because we have been among the “givers” of life. [You have heard, I’m sure, that humans are sometimes classified as “givers” or “takers”.] We have come to believe that because God first gave to us… in response, and in trying to follow His example, we give to others – which results in us being rewarded with good feelings and/or positive outcomes in return.
Throughout our lives, God has provided Ron and me with choices to make, which, because of our choices, led us in directions that have been good for us. One of the choices he gave us in 2021 and 2022, was to come to Derry and eventually join this congregation.
We have found that the Derry congregation, as an entity, could definitely be classified as “a giver.” We developed this premise from our very first encounters with the church and its members, and continue to feel this way today, as exemplified by –
The friendliness and genuine caring that we have received from those we encounter at whatever church activity we attend…
The manner in which members (and their friends and family) are prayed for, and provided with visits, prayer shawls, meals, transportation, grief support, and whatever compassionate care is needed and/or appropriate…
The myriad of opportunities provided by the church for individuals to utilize their interests, skills and God-given talents, as well as the utilization of the resources of the congregation to serve others through the diverse programs that Derry has designed to reach out to the community…
The sense of belonging and accomplishment that we have felt by being active with the Sanctuary Choir under the leadership and care of Dan Dorty…
The detailed planning by the staff, and active participation by congregational members, that we have observed, which results in the coordination of every aspect of each worship service to make it flow smoothly and reverently…
The attention paid by the Session members to appropriately carry out the responsibilities of the governing body of this church, particularly in the area of personnel changes and needs…
The passionate dedication to, as well as the resources solicited and committed to, mission projects — which span ages, socioeconomic circumstances, geographic locations and various categories of societal needs… and,
The way in which Pastor Stephen reminds us of our responsibilities to God to carry out God’s plans (for this congregation, our community and this world in general), through our actions and interactions.
At Derry we have observed the congregation’s stated mission in action: God’s word is proclaimed, God’s love is shared, and there is a conscious effort to practice justice in God’s name. In response to what God has given to Derry Church, the extensive programming is the congregation’s gift to each other.
We are thankful that God has given us the opportunity to worship and interact with the members of Derry Church, and by doing so, to “give back to God” by sharing God’s love with others through the many loving efforts of this congregation.