Jeannetta Politis • Executive Director, The Joshua Group

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights one of our mission partners. This month the focus is on The Joshua Group in Harrisburg.

On behalf of Joshua Group and the children we serve, we wish to express our sincere gratitude for your generous donation of $3,500, which will give deserving Harrisburg city children a chance at a quality education—and a brighter future.

We deeply appreciate your support for our students, as this donation aids in the efforts of the Joshua Group helping over 200 disadvantaged young people living on Allison Hill in Harrisburg trying to improve their lives through education.

Our summer program served 140 1st through 9th grade students in a seven-week program. They received breakfast and lunch each day along with academic and enrichment activities. Our students participated in nutrition classes, cooking classes, financial literacy classes, robotics demonstrations and educational field trips in addition to reading, writing and math focuses. Our 8th grade boys participated in a program with Recycle Bicycle where they learned how to build, repair, and maintain bicycles and learn how to safely ride. At the end, they were gifted their own bicycle to take home.

Our J-Crew After-School Program, which supports students from 1st grade to 12th grade, living in Harrisburg, gives access to the critically important educational support they need to have a successful academic career. Our after-school program gives our students a safe nurturing environment to be in after their school day. They get a hot meal, homework help, mentoring and unconditional love. We provide enrichment opportunities along the experiences and exposure in areas they might not have otherwise. Our younger students have enrichment activities such as art, cooking, crafts and reading. Our older high school students learn about vocational opportunities and internships and have opportunities to apply for summer work. Our seniors are taken on college visits as most of their families do not have the ability to provide that opportunity for them. Our dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure our students have all the tools to learn and be prepared for post-secondary education or a self-

sustaining career.

Last year, the students in our programs earned an average GPA of 3.03 and had an average attendance of 92% and a graduation/promotion rate of 100%. Your support will help ensure our students continue to thrive and so we can break the cycle of poverty through education.

Again, we are deeply appreciative of your support. Thank you for investing in our students and in this organization. Your donation enables us to continue to offer access to education to students who would not have a chance otherwise.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.