Youth Ministry

Youth are invited to participate in mission opportunities, fellowship events, retreats, and weekly programs like youth group and Creative Ministry Workshop.
A typical Sunday sees the youth gathering in the Youth Room from 9:15-10:15 am for 3G: Games, Grub and God.
Youth Group also gathers on Sundays. Our usual schedule sees us gathering right after church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Occasionally, special events cause this schedule to shift and the most up to date schedule can be found in our weekly email newsletter.
Throughout the year, our youth enjoy special events like white water rafting, retreats, mission trips, and movie nights.
We also offer a Confirmation Class every other year for youth in 8th and 9th grades and older. This class explores faith, theology, and church history as we work to define what it is that we believe. There is a heavy emphasis on participating in the life of the church by joining a group or committee, going on a pastoral care visit, and connecting with peers and other church members. The next confirmation class is scheduled to begin in the 2025-26 program year.