Winter Hike at Governor Dick Mt. Gretna
Winter is the perfect hiking season. Join Derry friends for a six-mile hike through the Clarence Schock Memorial Park at Governor Dick. The trail is of moderate difficulty and hiking boots are recommended. Rain date: Jan 25. To participate, email Tim Mosher.
Tech Time!
1-2 PM MONDAYS ON ZOOM Do you have a computer or software question? Want to practice Zoom in a safe, welcoming environment? Wondering why your cell phone is misbehaving? Confused about what a web browser is? No tech question is off limits in this weekly gathering on Zoom. Drop in to ask one question or...
Spaghetti Dinner
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyFELLOWSHIP HALL | $10 PER PERSON | FREE FOR CHILDREN IN KINDERGARTEN & YOUNGER The Derry Church-sponsored Cub Scout Pack 200 and Troop 2200 invite you to a spaghetti lunch fundraiser in Fellowship Hall. The meal includes spaghetti, sauce, salad, roll, drink, and dessert. Gluten free and meat-free sauce options available, as well as take-out....
“Basically Broadway” is Back!
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyThe night before Annual Meeting Sunday, Derry Church reprises “Basically Broadway:” members and friends of Derry singing new and classic Broadway favorites. It will be a fun night of laughter, music, and fellowship. Free! In person only, no live streaming. Nursery care available with RSVP: call the church office at 717-533-9667.