“Basically Broadway” Talent Show
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyDerry Church reprises “Basically Broadway:” members and friends of Derry singing new and classic Broadway favorites. It will be a fun night of laughter, music, and fellowship. Free! In person only, no live streaming. Nursery care available with RSVP: call the church office at 717-533-9667.
Tech Time!
1-2 PM MONDAYS ON ZOOM Do you have a computer or software question? Want to practice Zoom in a safe, welcoming environment? Wondering why your cell phone is misbehaving? Confused about what a web browser is? No tech question is off limits in this weekly gathering on Zoom. Drop in to ask one question or...
Arts Alive Presents: Lebanon Valley College Choir
Under the direction of Tyler Canonico-Dilley, the 60-member Lebanon Valley College Choir will delight you by singing a variety of repertoire including Mack Wilberg’s arrangement of “Shenandoah,” Eric Barnum’s “The Sounding Sea,” Hye-Young Cho’s “Evocation,” and Daniel Jackon’s “Hold On.” Come and enjoy the music of our talented down-the-road neighbors, and bring a friend! The...
Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyCONCERT WILL BE HELD IN THE SANCTUARY • AN ARTS ALIVE EVENT • FREE WILL OFFERING The Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster is a community choral arts program serving more than 150 children and youth in kindergarten through grade 12. Representing nearly 55 congregations, 45 schools, and 12 denominations, singers develop a rich musical repertoire...