Event Series Tech Time!

Tech Time!

1-2 PM MONDAYS ON ZOOM Do you have a computer or software question? Want to practice Zoom in a safe, welcoming environment? Wondering why your cell phone is misbehaving? Confused...

Spaghetti Dinner

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

FELLOWSHIP HALL | $10 PER PERSON | FREE FOR CHILDREN IN KINDERGARTEN & YOUNGER The Derry Church-sponsored Cub Scout Pack 200 and Troop 2200 invite you to a spaghetti lunch...

“Basically Broadway” Talent Show

Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, Hershey

The night before Annual Meeting Sunday, Derry Church reprises “Basically Broadway:” members and friends of Derry singing new and classic Broadway favorites. It will be a fun night of laughter,...