“Basically Broadway” Talent Show
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyDerry Church reprises “Basically Broadway:” members and friends of Derry singing new and classic Broadway favorites. It will be a fun night of laughter, music, and fellowship. Free! In person...
Tech Time!
1-2 PM MONDAYS ON ZOOM Do you have a computer or software question? Want to practice Zoom in a safe, welcoming environment? Wondering why your cell phone is misbehaving? Confused...
Arts Alive Presents: Lebanon Valley College Choir
Under the direction of Tyler Canonico-Dilley, the 60-member Lebanon Valley College Choir will delight you by singing a variety of repertoire including Mack Wilberg’s arrangement of “Shenandoah,” Eric Barnum’s “The...
Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyCONCERT WILL BE HELD IN THE SANCTUARY • AN ARTS ALIVE EVENT • FREE WILL OFFERING The Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster is a community choral arts program serving more...
Easter Egg Hunts
Derry Presbyterian Church 248 East Derry Road, HersheyFor children age 0 through fifth grade! No charge to attend. Egg hunters will be sorted into these three groups: Birth through 36 months Age 3 – first grade Grades...