Vacation Bible School

Welcome to “agents of peace” VBS 2024
Sunday, July 14 – Thursday, July 18
5:30-7:30 pm
Dinner option at 5 pm
$5 per person
free for ages 4 & under
Sunday: Pizza
Monday: Mac & cheese + chicken nuggets
Tuesday: Beef BBQ
Wednesday: Walking Tacos
Thursday. TBD
Derry Church welcomes you to our annual VBS program. This year’s theme is “Agents of Peace.” Peacemaking skills are essential for those who want to follow Jesus’ way of peace. The five Bible stories shared in “Agents of Peace” encourage children to listen to and learn from people who are different, care for people in need, creatively work to keep everyone safe, and refuse to respond to conflict with violence.
Children learn that there are many opportunities and ways to live as peacemakers. Through games, creation, storytelling, and music, “Agents of Peace” invites children to see every person as part of God’s family, and every interaction as an opportunity for peacemaking.
In a world that is too often divided by race, class, ethnicity, and country of origin, “Agents of Peace” is a reminder that the love of God and the way of peace transcend all borders and divisions. All are welcome in the family of God. Led by God’s Spirit, we can all participate in creating a more peaceful world
Derry’s VBS program is open to children age 4 – entering grade 5. Children must be toilet trained.
Registration for 2024 has closed. Contact Pastor Stephen if you have any questions.