Brong Scholarship
The Russell W. and Joann Brong Scholarship was established through generous gifts by the Brongs, and created by Session action in June 1983, to provide financial aid to students working toward full-time service in Christian ministry; members of the Derry Presbyterian church staff for continuing education; and for students preparing to serve in social and humanitarian service vocations such as social work, medicine, education and literacy, and other vocations that work for the common good.
Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed, providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility, maintains a good academic standing, and funds are available. Amounts will be determined each year based on the number of applicants and the amount of the fund available. Scholarships up to $3,000 per semester may be given for tuition and other fees. Completed applications for a regular school term must be received by the Christian Education Committee no later than April 15 for consideration.
The Session of Derry Presbyterian Church is responsible for determining and making grants to eligible applicants. Financial oversight of the Brong Scholarship Fund is performed by the Derry Church Stewardship & Finance Committee with the Christian Education Committee recommending distribution of fund scholarships to students.
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to the following persons:
- Member in good standing of Derry Presbyterian Church (Hershey), enrolled in college, seminary or graduate school, whose intent is to enter full time service in Christian ministry or social service or whose intent is to extend their knowledge and abilities for improving human welfare and for giving aid to the poor and/or aged through social work, education, healthcare, and community service.
- The full time staff of Derry Presbyterian Church seeking an advanced degree, certification, or continuing education program to enhance their skills in their particular area of ministry;
- Candidates for Christian ministry who are under the care of the Presbytery of Carlisle and who need financial assistance to continue their studies
Amount of Scholarship Award
Amounts will be determined each year based on the number of applicants and the amount of the fund available. Scholarships up to $3,000 per Semester may be given for tuition and other fees.
Selection Procedure
The Christian Education Committee (in consultation with the Stewardship & Finance Committee) will make annual selections of scholarship fund recipients. These selections will be recommended to the Session for final approval.
Terms of Award
Each scholarship shall be awarded for one academic year and may be renewed, providing the recipient continues to meet the conditions of eligibility, maintains a good academic standing, and funds are available.
Completed applications for a regular school term must be received by the Christian Education Committee no later than April 15 for consideration.
Questions? Contact Pastor Stephen