Weekly Article
Sue George • Director of Communications & Technology
September 14, 2023
I admit there are times it’s hard for me to talk about my faith. I’d like to blame it on my stoic Lutheran upbringing, but I think it’s really because I’m not sure what kind of reaction I’ll get from whoever I’m talking with: what if they give me a funny look or ask me a question I can’t answer? Do I want to put myself out there in that risky way? I know I should, but it can be hard and awkward.
If only there was a way to introduce Derry Church in a non-threatening, easy way.
But wait, now there is!
This summer the Communications & Technology Committee (CTC) partnered with our Vacation Bible School leaders to create a Derry Church tote bag, enough for all the VBS families to have one and to make freely available to everyone in our church family who wants one.
As print advertising opportunities become scarcer, it’s on the CTC to find unique and engaging ways to make the church’s presence known in our community. Why not put our advertising dollars toward a nice item that people will use when they’re out and about? It’s exciting to think that this sturdy, simple bag could be a conversation starter. Or that people will see the bags all over town, in the grocery store or drug store or farmer’s market, and with repetition and familiarity, may think, “I keep seeing those bags. There must be something going on over there at Derry Church. I should check them out.”
If you don’t yet have a bag, I invite you to stop by the welcome table in the Narthex and get one. Don’t leave it in your car: use it on your errands and shopping, and make it visible in your shopping cart. But be prepared: anything could happen, from funny looks to faith questions.
My bag’s ready, and this time I’m not going to wimp out. Bring on the sideways glances and questions: I’m carrying my bag proudly, and I’m glad to be an ambassador for Derry Church.
PS: Later this fall, the CTC will be offering an opportunity to purchase shirts featuring Derry’s tree logo. It’s another way you can be an ambassador for Derry Church, especially as we head into our 300th anniversary year. Keep an eye on the eNews for details.