Weekly Article
Natalie Taylor • Derry member
October 26, 2023
I am so incredibly lucky to have grown up in Derry Presbyterian Church. The number of opportunities I have been given from when I was in elementary school in Pilgrim Fellowship to now as a college senior have been so numerous. I remember in Pilgrim Fellowship being lucky to have opportunities like going out to the apple orchard together, having lock-ins, and shopping together for our Giving Tree gifts. It was the little gatherings that really showed me God’s love in big ways.
As I got older, I joined Youth Group and started to go on trips! The first trip I ever went on was our Philadelphia missions’ trip in 2017. I was a freshman in high school, and I was very nervous to go on this trip. It was the first time I had ever been on a trip like this on my own. However, that trip opened a door to a new part of my life, traveling and serving. I am so grateful that Derry continued to give us trips to go on after that, like Montreat and Triennium! Each trip has helped me grow in God’s love and show his love to others. Because of these trips I was able to continue my love of serving by going to Poland on a service trip in 2022 and going to Italy this past summer to work with refugees! I am also excited to be able to go on a trip to Ireland next summer to learn about our church and grow in my faith while we’re there.
Derry truly provides so many opportunities to grow and share God’s love, and it’s important to appreciate them and take those opportunities. You may never know the kind of impact it can make in your own life.