Weekly Article
M.E. Steelman • Transitional Children’s Coordinator
July 1, 2021Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In July we’re lifting up Elder Care. You can find the current month’s mission focus in the Joys & Concerns section of the weekly eNews.

There is nothing better than seeing someone smile from ear to ear and knowing that you did something special to lift their spirits, brighten their day and help them feel loved. This spring, some of our Derry Church children and their families enjoyed working together to prepare gift bags for many of our senior friends who we knew were feeling the hardship of living in isolation during these covid times. Our hope was to share a gift of love with these friends and help lift their spirits.
These special gift bags were filled with “comfort” items which we hoped would be useful, cherished and enjoyed. One special item in each bag was a small wooden holding cross, a size that fits perfectly into the palm of your hand. Our wish was that these crosses would be loved and used often. Many of our senior friends wrote and shared that these crosses did just that; they brought a welcome and much needed sense of peace and comfort.
While our families enjoyed stuffing these bags full of fun items and treats, they also felt a deeper connection as they included a handwritten note from their family. What a blessing to receive a letter saying hello and offering a reminder that each and every one of us here at D.P.C. is being thought of and prayed for by their church family.
Sharing a passion for mission at an early age is a gift that will keep on giving. Finding ways for even our youngest friends to share God’s love with others is such an important part of one’s faith journey. In Proverbs 17:22 we read, “A joyful heart is good medicine.” The beauty of mission work is that a joyful heart can be seen in everyone involved…those who give and those who receive.
I hope you will enjoy reading a few of the many wonderful words of gratitude we received from our friends…
“Your visit, your gift bag and your prayers warmed my heart and I’m still smiling.”
“Thank you for the delicious treats, warm and loving thoughts, and most especially your continued prayers.”
“We placed your artwork, card and holding cross outside our door for our neighbors to enjoy as well. Thank you for thinking of us.”
“When I found the gift bag at my door, it did bring a smile to my face and warmed my heart to know that your thoughts and prayers are with me. It also reminded me of 80 plus years ago when the Easter bunny left a bowl full of goodies for me on Easter morning. What a treat!”