Weekly Article

Craig Kegerise • Derry Member and treasurer

We have reached September and are entering budgeting season. It is time for the annual update on how the church is doing financially and my projections for the rest of the year. Before I begin, I would like to thank Steven Guenther for his service as past treasurer. I wish him well in his new endeavors in Pittsburgh.

As of the end of August, we have received income contributions that are 74.4 % of our budgeted $1,250,000 income and approximately 10% ahead of 2021 contributions Y-T-D. Expenses are at 58.5% of budget. That is expected as many of our expenses are paid at the end of the year. If our contributions continue as they have in the first eight months of the year, and our expenses do not exceed the budgeted $1,293,937, we should finish the year in a break even to a positive position.

As the Session, the Stewardship & Finance Committee, and the other committees look forward to the 2023 budget and the future, we are working to ensure that Derry Church provides for the current needs of our church members and the community as well as the financial stability of the church. By planning for the future, we can make sure we are managing our resources responsibly.

Because of the generous support of the congregation, we have been able to do capital projects such as the refurbishment of the cemetery walls and planned improved signage around the church. The sound system upgrades are continuing. Lighting improvements around the church have also been accomplished and are continuing. We have been able to sponsor and support a refugee family. We have been able to do mission work in our community and throughout the world–whether it be helping youth with college scholarships or building a new wing on the school in Pakistan.

I would like to thank the congregation for your continued support of the church and its mission work in our community and the world.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything related to Derry’s finances, please contact me at treasurer@derrypres.org.