Author: Susan George

Dan Dorty • Director of Music and Organist

Youth Sunday rehearsal

This past Sunday we were led in worship by our talented youth, and as we finished the postlude, I couldn’t help but leave worship feeling uplifted, enriched, and overcome with joy and feeling that I had been in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We were blessed by their singing, the spoken word, choreographed dance, and God’s Hidden Hands Puppet Ministry. Mayangela Speicher eloquently spoke on joy and the more profound meaning within this three-letter word. Where do we find joy in our own lives and faith journey? Where do we look for assurance and peace that God is with us, working through us, and present in our lives? Where do we see joy in our church? What does it mean to be joyful in the Lord?

Since being called to Derry Church in September as your Director of Music and Organist, life has been a whirlwind of change and adjustment, growing in faith and trust, learning new schedules, memorizing many names and faces, keeping many to-do lists and checking them twice. The vibrant music ministry of this church is a dream come true and an answer to many prayers, made so by each member of the many choirs. I have found fulfilling joy in working with the Sanctuary Choir and Derry Ringers, welcoming new members, and watching the choirs grow in number, musicianship, and faith. Their passion for ringing and singing is inspiring, and their care and support have brought joy each week as we pray together and become a musical family of brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Terrific Tuesdays have become a highlight in my week: working with the youth singers brings joy through their energy, spirit, and laughter. Our children’s music ministry is growing through the leadership of Claire Folts and Debbi Kees-Folts. What a joy to see classrooms full of children singing, playing drums, and ringing handbells and chimes! 

As a congregation, you have brought incredible joy in your appreciation and support of this church’s arts and music ministry. The Lee Ann Taylor Memorial Steinway and Sons Concert Grand Piano has been a testament to that unwavering support. Thank you for appreciating the value of the music in worship and the impact and mission that this new piano will have on future generations. February 12, 2023 was memorable as we dedicated this incredible instrument in Lee Ann’s honor. We were privileged to have Ruth Slenczynska play in worship and sign our new piano. Ruth is a joy!

As I have come home to my faith tradition in the Presbyterian church, I am seeing God anew in innumerable ways, and Derry Church has been one of the greatest joys in my life. When Sarah and I announced our engagement in early February, we were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from our church family in cards, letters, emails, and well wishes, always followed by a hug. We have found joy in the warmth of Derry Church, a church with the sweetest people on earth, nestled in the heart of the sweetest place on earth. 

Thank you for sharing the light and love of Christ and for bringing joy as we share this faith and music journey together, giving God glory, praise, and adoration while giving thanks each day for all the joys God has showered upon us.

Derry Youth

The joy of the Lord is our strength is the theme for Youth Sunday 2023. Joy is mentioned 430 times in the Bible and happiness only 10. In the book of Galatians 5:22, joy is included in the gift of the Spirit. But what is joy?

When we think of joy we first think of smiles, happiness, and Christmas mornings. Joy is not just happiness; it can exist with a myriad of other emotions. Joy can coexist with sadness and sorrow. Joy is not the absence of grief or pain or challenge. 

One of our definitions of joy is the feeling that the Lord is with you and knowing that God helps you through the bad times. We are reminded of God’s love, strength, and presence in our life and that brings up joy. That joy strengthens us for the good times and the bad times we know we will encounter. Through the joy of the Lord we have confidence that everything is going all right … or in the words of St. Julian of Norwich, “All shall be well and all manner of things shall be made well.” It doesn’t mean everything will always be okay or work out the way we desire in this life, but the joy of the Lord gives us strength to persevere and find the blessing.

On Youth Sunday, joy will be expressed with song, dance, worship, puppets, and an awesome sermon by Mayangela Speicher. 

We invite you to come and experience the spirit of the joy of the Lord of Sunday, February 19. We hope you enjoy the service as much as we will enjoy leading you in worship!

M.E. Steelman • Director of Church Life and Connection

For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20

I love this scripture verse and the truth of these words. One of the great blessings Derry Church offers is the ability to gather. Yes, we gather for weekly worship, but we also gather to eat, talk, play, plan, create and dream. Our times together lead us to wonderful discussions, learning experiences, stories we never knew, and a chance to pause, reflect and maybe even see things from another perspective. This is true not only for the adults of our church, but for the children as well. Derry’s Children’s Ministry programs have so many of these amazing moments happening, and I am excited to share some of them with you.

Our Sunday mornings are full of energy and excitement as we gather together with friends to sing, learn, explore, share and play.  We begin our morning with songs of praise and thanksgiving. This time gets the blood flowing through fun sounds and movements and paves the way for our story of the day. We then move to our classrooms…

Preschool (ages 2-5) gather in the Nursery Suite
Kindergarten – 2nd gather in Room 3
Grades 3 – 5 gather in Room 5

…where the learning continues through story, creative exploration and games. 

Our KIWI (Kids In Worship Instruction) class has had a wonderful time learning more about worship through exploring common symbols of faith, the words and meaning of the Lord’s Prayer, and the importance of confessing our sins and giving thanks for our many blessings. This time together also allows this group (ages 4-6) the opportunity to build friendships with their peers. 

Our Kids’ Fellowship (grades 2-5) has been so fun to work with! These kids have a wonderful connection with one another and enjoy all kinds of activities as they simply love hanging out together. Our gatherings have included a “beach party,” a chair volleyball tournament, and a mission project day.  Later this month we’ll have a pancake breakfast and silly fun in our PJs. This time together lets us continue to build relationships, something that helps make our faith journey stronger and more meaningful.

Terrific Tuesday is back and better than ever! Fellowship Hall is packed with families and friends of all ages enjoying the opportunity to eat and have fellowship. Adults have the chance to talk and get to know one another better, and the children are filling our classrooms and making Tuesday evenings fun and engaging for all. Our Tuesday evening programs of music and creative arts are designed to help the children connect more with one another as the evening gathering is more relaxed than Sunday mornings, but it also offers the children a chance to dig deeper and learn through a variety of creative techniques. It is truly a wonderful evening for all ages!

Now that I share about all the excitement and fun, I also need to share that we are looking for more helping hands to keep it going! We have wonderful leaders for all our programs, but need volunteers to help in each classroom and support the children.  I would love to welcome more adults into our Childrens’ Ministry spaces as I know you will love joining our faith filled adventures!  Each volunteer will need to complete the following before working with our children or youth…

  • PA Child Abuse History Clearance
  • PA State Police Criminal Record Check 
  • FBI Criminal Background Check and History Record, required if the volunteer has lived in PA for less than 10 consecutive years; this also includes fingerprinting
  • Derry Church Safe Children Training class (approx. 45 min and can be done in person or via Zoom)
  • Children Volunteer Application and Disclosure Statement every five years, which needs to be signed and witnessed by someone other than a direct relative. This form also satisfies the requirement for volunteers who have been residents of PA for 10 consecutive years or more to affirm that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under Pennsylvania Title 23 Chapter 63 Section 6344(c)

I encourage you to join us. Please email me with any questions or to get started with your clearance paperwork. 

Now that our programs are running strong, our Christian Education committee and Children’s Ministry Team members have discussed the Sunday morning schedule and how to structure it moving forward.

Starting Sunday, February 26 (as Lent begins), Sunday School for ALL AGES will be held 9:15-10:15 am.

  • Children will gather in Room 4 (then proceed to their classrooms after music time)
  • Youth will gather in the Youth Room
  • Issues Class in Room 7 and on Zoom
  • Bible Study in Room 2

**Coffee is always available in the coffee nook just outside the church kitchen**

I look forward to watching our programs continue to grow. I look forward to welcoming many more children into our spaces to learn and grow closer to God. And I look forward to having more adults join us to help our programs continue to meet the needs of this growing ministry.

I hope to hear from many of you soon!

Dale Forshey • Executive Director, Love INC of Greater Hershey

On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In February we’re lifting up homelessness and our partnership with our across-the-street neighbor, Love INC of Greater Hershey.

Love INC would like to thank Derry Church for your partnership as we serve the local community. During the past few years, low-income families have been struggling to make ends meet. Local housing prices have soared, which has caused rental housing prices to also go up. When leases are ending, landlords have raised the rental prices.  For a low-income family, this can be devastating and could cause a homeless situation. Inflation has caused the prices of necessities (heating costs, utilities, food, gasoline) to go up while the family income stays the same. This can also lead to a homeless situation.  

Love INC supports people in need that live or attend a church in the Hershey and Hummelstown areas as well as the Dauphin County portion of Elizabethtown. Love INC’s Connection Center has seen a large increase of calls relating to rental and utility assistance. The Personal Care Closet partners with the Hershey, Hummelstown, and Hershey Free food pantries to supply personal care items that families cannot buy with their government assistance programs. During 2022, the number of Personal Care Closet orders has doubled, which emphasized the need in our community. The Homes of Hope program is designed to help a family that is homeless or soon to be homeless by providing temporary housing, a case manager, and advocates that can provide support and assistance to the family. This program can support two families at the same time. Love INC utilized one of our family homes to provide housing for Derry’s refugee family for six months.  

Love INC’s Parsonage ministry partners with Penn State Health to supply free housing for families with loved ones in the medical center.  It is very rewarding to be able to support these families as they go through a very tough time. Love INC’s Faith and Finances class provides education on spending and savings plans, managing debt, and working toward long-term financial stability. Love INC’s Sneaker Distribution ministry provides new sneakers to low income students in Derry Township and Lower Dauphin School Districts before the start of the new school year.  

Love INC truly appreciates the partnership that we share with Derry Church. Numerous Derry members volunteer to support Love INC ministries, provide items for our fall auction or the sneaker distribution, and donate financially.  Currently, there is not a Derry Church member on the Love INC Board of Directors. Love INC’s Board is very active and meets monthly.  If you would be interested in being a board member or becoming a volunteer to help with one of the Love INC ministries, please reach out to me at

Tyler Hempel • Derry Member

When I was a child, every Christmas Eve was spent at Grandma Esther’s house. For that matter, so was every Thanksgiving, Easter, and many other evenings throughout the year. Grandmother Esther was the matriarch of the Hempel family. She grew up on the family farm in the wake of the Great Depression and, like many others, her family often struggled to make ends meet during her youth. Thus, a party at Grandma’s was never a showy or extravagant affair, but instead it was centered around family, community, and God. Grandma would spend all day in the kitchen preparing a simple feast made with love, while we played in the yard or watched the football game. In the evening, we would gather around the big table where she would lead us in prayer, and we’d go around the room sharing what we were grateful for. Then, we would dig into the delicious food and catch up on the family news. The night would end with everyone singing songs and playing games in the living room. These evenings were where some of my fondest childhood memories were made. Grandma Esther continued to host events well into her 80s, until her dementia forced her to pass the torch on to my parents. Little did I know that my grandmother had been planning one more family get together…

Like many other people who make it into their 90s, my grandmother attended numerous funerals over the years. Unlike most, though, she would keep the program from every one of those celebrations of life, scrawling notes on the edges that would later be used as inspiration for her own funeral service. Over time, she compiled a list of passages she wanted to be read and songs she wanted played, and created a general outline of her ideal service. 

When she passed late last year from advanced Alzheimer’s at the age of 94, her five children got together and reviewed her notes to finalize plans. They also used the stories she’d written about her life to put together a video that highlighted what an amazing person she was. Eliana, the twins and I were able to go to Chicago to attend that service last week. The church was filled with children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, cousins, church family, and friends from all over the country. Though our family is large, busy, and spread out, there was no question of missing this chance to celebrate Grandma. I was honored to fulfill one of her wishes and opened the service by playing “On Eagle’s Wings,” one Grandma’s favorite hymns.  Each one of her children read some of her favorite passages from the Bible, and the pastor shared some stories which reminded us how special Grandma was. It was the perfect service. 

Later that evening, the entire family congregated at my parent’s home. After sharing a meal, the adults sat around catching up with one another while the kids played Survive, a favorite board game in our house. We ended the evening gathered around the piano in my parents’ living room singing everything from Piano Man to Amazing Grace loudly, and sometimes a little off key. Somehow, Grandma got us all together doing exactly what she loved, one last time.  

If you are interested in learning more about Grandma Esther, click here to watch the video about her life.

Debbie Hough • Derry Member

I’m not sure if this ever happens to you, but every so often I stop and take a retrospective look at the life I’ve known. The look takes in the faces of people I’ve loved and known; the places I’ve lived and been privileged to visit; books I’ve studied and read for pleasure; places I’ve worked and lots more. This adventure can sometimes leave a bittersweet afterglow, but mostly I am humbled, surprised and grateful.

In the first letter to the church in Corinth there is a verse which reads, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” I am not sure what version or translation of the Bible this comes from, but it works for me. When I look back, I am stunned at those experiences that I’ve had that nothing could have prepared me for. I definitely consider these God-experiences and I imagine you’ve had them too.

One thing that I couldn’t have expected was Derry’s response to helping the ministry of the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. It slowly happened over the 10 year period from 2009 to 2019 and is still growing. I am simply amazed at the generosity of time and treasure that quite a few people at Derry have shared. 

For instance, in 2022, Derry members and friends gave approximately $17,500 for scholarships through our annual Shares for Scholarships campaign, participating in March Madness, online giving, the purchase of Mark Smith’s Christmas ornaments and Claudia Holtzman’s greeting cards. All together, Derry Church supports 50 students with scholarships so they have the life-changing opportunity to go to school. Further, our contributions to the General Scholarship Fund allows PEB to answer the call to need as it arises and even more children become students.

That sounds like a lot and it is, but there is more! The Mission & Peace Committee, other Derry members, and the Session are contributing to the building of a new wing of the Boys’ School in Sargodha. These numbers boggle my mind. Truly, nothing and no one but God could have prepared all of this to happen.

Derry’s 2023 Shares for Scholarships campaign is under way now and continues through February. Previous scholarships can be renewed and new scholarships can be added! This year the cost of scholarships has increased slightly, the first such increase in the dozen years since I’ve been involved. An annual scholarship costs $400 for a day student and $800 for a boarding student.

I invite you to consider allowing God to do with you something you never imagined. If you have an amount in mind, you can click this link to go directly to the online giving portal. For more information about the 2023 shares campaign, click here.

And then, in the fall of 2024, maybe you can be among the travelers journeying to Pakistan in celebration of Derry’s 300th anniversary and to dedicate the school building. You can witness with your eyes, ears and heart the work being done. Together, through education, we can partner with God and help change the world. I guarantee you would have a lot of experiences for later reflection, too! 

Connie Henry • Elder

Ordination and installation of church officers on Sunday, Jan 8, 2023.

In 2019 when I was asked to serve as an elder for the following three years, I accepted knowing I would be retiring at the end of 2019. I felt I would have more time to give than the last time I served, and I enjoy being involved in the church on a deeper level than attendance. Who would have known that two months later we would be plunged into a world-wide health crisis that would last for the entire three-year session term and beyond? Decisions had to be made that were never dreamed of before the pandemic, all while trying to keep the physical and emotional well-being of the parishioners — and Derry Church’s future — under consideration.

Beyond the ‘topic of the century,’ our church is so many things to the folks who worship and participate inside and outside the church walls. It is a business which operates to serve its customers and members. And along with serving on Session comes the responsibility to make decisions regarding the success and the future of the church, the happiness and inclusion of the members as they choose to participate, and the strength of the buildings and grounds with which we’ve been entrusted. The behind-the-scenes workings of the church really come to light as a Session member, and we are all charged with the decisions which can affect all these things, and more.

I found joy and peace, stress and disagreement amongst members of Session.  I also found respect for one another and resolution amongst differing views. I felt extreme responsibility to read each session packet from beginning to end so I could comment and/or vote appropriately when topics arose at the meetings. And I held close the responsibility to question and discuss all topics as I felt warranted. Without committing to these things, I felt I was doing a disservice to the church at large.

I developed a deep respect for each Session member, and feel my time was well spent for this reason alone. But beyond that, I came to realize how complex running the church is, and how fortunate we are to have a loyal and dedicated staff with only the best interest of Derry Church at heart, and so many committee members, chairs and volunteers who are equally committed. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on Session, and to anyone who may be asked to serve, I think it is worth careful discernment and a willingness to say ‘yes’ if the path be cleared.

Happy New Year to all!

Tiffanie Keck • Director, Resource Development & Administration YWCA Greater Harrisburg

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In January we’re lifting up Women’s Equality, Justice, and Opportunity. The Joys & Concerns section of the weekly eNews always includes the mission focus for the month.

Eliminating racism. Empowering women. Our mission lives in the soul of everyone here at YWCA Greater Harrisburg because we demand a world of equity and human decency. We envision a just community for all and we commit ourselves to the work of transforming lives. 

For more than a century, the YWCA has been an integral part of the Greater Harrisburg community. In 1894, during the Industrial Revolution, a group of women came together out of concern for girls who were flocking to the city to find employment. These community leaders wanted to ensure that young women had safe and suitable conditions under which to live and work with access to activities and education that would help them better their lives.

The YWCA Greater Harrisburg’s vision of creating a just community for all began 125 years ago. As the role and the needs of women adapted over time, the YWCA has historically expanded its impact, becoming a driving force that transforms lives.

In our community and beyond, we answer the cry for justice by serving more than 35,000 individuals each year. We offer housing to women seeking safer lives. We provide child care, so their families can build their futures. We dismantle systemic racism because the future deserves all of us. From emergency shelter and a legal clinic to supported employment services, supervised visitation, and Veterans programs, we could not do this important work without the generosity of our supporters.

Our community demands justice in a thousand different ways. Our power comes from the women and girls we serve and those who support us. We are thought leaders. We are fearless movers. We are innovative shakers. We move justice out of our doors and into the power structures that determine the future. Our voices rise together to do the work. Here, a woman is empowered to leave an abusive relationship. Here, students of color capitalize on their brilliance. Here, a young woman cracks the glass ceiling to achieve the promotion she earned. 

Here, we bear witness to their dignity, and celebrate their victories. They keep our commitment to justice strong because we know first-hand how much more work there is left to do. At the YWCA Greater Harrisburg, we are eliminating racism and empowering women. 

It is only with the support of community-minded individuals — and organizations like Derry Church — that we can continue to fulfill the immediate needs and provide comprehensive services that support women, children, and men as they regain their self-esteem and independence. On behalf of the YWCA clients who will benefit from this generosity, we thank you!

As we continue on, we will get up and do the work until injustice is rooted out, until institutions are transformed, until the world sees women, girls, and people of color the way we do: Equal. Powerful. Unstoppable. 

YWCA Eliminating racism. Empowering women.

Rev. Stephen McKinney-Whitaker • Pastor

I am excited to announce that the Session has approved creating a new full-time position at Derry to help us meet our ministry needs.  The Director of Church Life and Connection (DCLC) will help create fellowship opportunities for all ages and age groups within the Derry Church community and cultivate connections between church members of all ages. 

M.E. Steelman will be transitioning from her current part-time position as the children’s ministry coordinator to the Director of Church Life and Connection in January. Her new position will allow her to continue some of the great work she has been doing with the children of the church. She will continue to lead children’s fellowship in her role as the DCLC and help plan and oversee Terrific Tuesdays. She will partner with a new Associate Pastor to assist with other areas of children’s ministry like worship and education. 

M.E. will be focusing on fellowship for all ages, and part of her new duties will be to work with the Membership Involvement Committee to plan and lead our big annual fellowship events like the Corn Roast, Church Picnic, Square Dance and Chili Cookoff, and seasonal events like Trunk or Treat and the Easter Egg Hunt. She’ll also work with the committee to help re-start and reimagine a Derry Seniors program. 

As the DCLC, M.E. will be a staff resource for fellowship groups like the Derry Day Trippers, parent groups, supper clubs, the golf group, and any other fellowship groups we create in the future.  M.E. will help the church dream together about new ways to share life and connection together by age, interest, life-situation, and need.

M.E. will take the lead in many of the programmatic elements of church life and fellowship, but she will also invest in congregational connection. M.E. will help foster intergenerational relationships within the church through mission projects, retreats, and special events. She will also spend time with our senior members who are homebound or in retirement communities and work with our Membership Involvement Committee and Deacons to find new ways to keep them connected to the Derry Church community.  

M.E. has the wonderful ability to create meaningful programs and connect people to one another. She is creative, organized, and passionate about the Derry community. I am looking forward to continuing to work with her in this new role and I’m excited about the future of church life and connection at Derry.  

We will continue to share news and information about the Director of Church Life and Connection in the new year as M.E. begins her work. The Personnel Committee and Session believe this position will help fill in some needed gaps in our staff, continue areas of energy and success at Derry, and create new ministry opportunities that will make a difference in the lives of our members and the community. 

Claire Folts • Children’s Music Director

This fall and winter I have had the privilege of making music with the kids of Derry Church. I work (play really!) with them in four different settings:

  • On Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:15 am, I make music with preschool through 5th grade children. 
  • On Tuesday nights from 5:45-6:15 pm, I make music with preschool and Kindergarten children.
  • From 6:15-6:45 pm, I make music with 1st-5th grade children
  • From 6:45-7:15 pm, I ring bells and chimes with 2nd-5th grade children. 

Some kids I only see in one setting. Others I see at two or three. Some are there every week.  Others only drop by occasionally. I am thrilled to work with all of them!

Throughout this fall, the kid’s musical skills have improved immensely. Children who could only use their talking voice in September have now found their singing voice.  1st-5th grade students who could echo rhythmic patterns with only partial accuracy are now reading rhythms on their own. Second grade students who struggled to get a bell to make a sound in September are ringing songs with multiple bells. Everyone’s singing range is expanding. Their pitch accuracy is solidifying. Their blend is improving. We’re singing in canons! It’s really, really exciting!

As exciting as developing musical skills together is, that’s not our primary focus.  Where we have really focused is using music to explore our relationship with God. 
For example, we’ve spent almost half our time singing songs that have Alleluias or Hallelujahs.  We talked about Alleluia being the way we say “Yay!!!” in church.  Then we went on to discuss that Alleluias and Hallelujahs are used in many countries and in many languages.  

If you were in church on December 4, you heard two songs that were from opposite sides of the world but each used Alleluia to celebrate. “He Came Down” is a lilting song of praise from Cameroon in West Africa sung by the Preschool-Kindergarten group (Joyful Noise). “Jubilate Deo/Raise a Song of Gladness” is a song of praise from the Taizé Community in France that the 1st-5th grade Celebration Singers sang in Latin, English, and as a canon! 

We’ve explored many other songs with Alleluias from other parts of the world that haven’t made it to a church service. We’ve also discussed that sometimes we don’t feel like saying “Yay!” to God. Sometimes we want to cry, ask for help, or scream at God, and there are songs for those times, too.

As we develop our musical skills and explore our relationship with God, a community is being formed. On Tuesday evenings, I watch preschoolers who cried in September pause at the door to the music room, give their adult a quick hug and then, beaming, skip/gallop into the room to hop on my train—named “Engine No. 9”—that everyone is riding.  1st-5th grade children who were nervous to sing at all in September shoot their hands into the air when I ask if anyone wants to lead the sung greeting on their own; then cheer for each other when they get it right.  

In Sunday School, I see 2nd-5th grade students patiently help the younger ones navigate a hymnal, their fingers carefully following the words. Before worship, after worship, and in the fellowship hall the kids wave at me or prance up to have a conversation. These kids feel safe and welcome at our church, both among their peers and with at least one adult.  They are confident, they are comfortable, they are excited.  Most importantly, they love being here. What more could we ask for our kids as a church?

Christmas Joy Offering • Update from our Mission & PEace Committee

On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In December we’re lifting up the Christmas Joy Offering.

Have you ever searched for the perfect gift? Our scriptural theme notes, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us…” (John 1:14), reminding us that the only perfect gift ever given is the one we receive in Jesus Christ.

The Christmas Joy Offering is one of four special offerings received by the Presbyterian Church (USA) during the year. This special offering is shared among two PCUSA programs and a local ministry supported by Derry Church. The two PCUSA programs support our past, present, and future church workers and their families through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and our Presbyterian-related schools and colleges who are equipping communities of color to prepare future leaders.

Through the Board of Pensions, current and retired church workers and their families can receive critical financial assistance to support them during unforeseen circumstances. This support could involve supplements to their income, housing assistance, or for an emergency medical situation. 

The PCUSA has long supported programs of higher education. Thus, the Christmas Joy Offering will also be used to support three PCUSA-related institutions: the Menaul School in Albuquerque, NM; the Presbyterian Pan American School in Kingsville, TX; and Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, AL. Funds can provide students with much-needed assistance while they pursue their professional goals, perhaps as future church leaders.

Derry Church will share a portion of our 2022 Christmas Joy Offering receipts with Christian Churches United. Steve Schwartz, Director of Development, has provided us with this update:

Christian Churches United rallies the community to love our neighbors facing homelessness, poverty and incarceration. Through their HELP Ministries program they provide rental assistance, utility assistance and other tangible aid to people who are in danger of becoming homeless to prevent homelessness, or to people who are currently homeless to help them get off the street into long-term housing. 

Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven is a long-term residential program specifically designed to help chronically homeless men—those on the street for a year or more with a mental health diagnosis—obtain and maintain long-term housing. Their Street Outreach Team operates two winter overnight shelters, one for men and one for women, and develops relationships with guests in these shelters and others on the street with the goal of helping them overcome challenges and obtain long-term housing. 

All of these programs are funded by a network of local churches in partnership with concerned neighbors, businesses, and other funding partners. All donations provide help and hope to our neighbors facing significant challenges in their lives.

Gifts to the Christmas Joy Offering are being received now through the end of the year. Please give generously to this special offering. Thank you, Derry, for your support!

Dan Dorty • Director of Music & Organist

Christmas is a time of hope, peace, joy, and love centered around the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I invite you to experience the wonder and excitement of Christmas this Sunday, December 4 at 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm as the Derry Ringers and Sanctuary Choir lead us on a journey to Bethlehem to celebrate the babe born in a manger, Jesus the Messiah: The Promise Fulfilled.

The program, a musical tapestry, weaves Isaiah’s vision of seeing God, a peaceable Kingdom, and the messenger to come bringing light, love, and peace to the scene at the manger. The choirs will sing of Jesus in His mother’s arms, Joseph beside them, shepherds coming from their fields to see this Holy Child born in an oxen stall, the Messiah, Emmanuel, God with us.

The repertoire presented by the Sanctuary Choir will range from In Dulci Jubilo from the Medieval period to modern arrangements of hymns and spirituals, such as Sweet Little Jesus Boy featuring soloist Julie Miller, soprano. 

The choirs will be accompanied by brass and percussion, with Dan Stokes at Derry’s Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ and Mary Lemons at the grand piano. The choirs and congregation will have the opportunity to lift their voices in praise to the well-known and beloved David Willcocks’ arrangements of O Come, All Ye Faithful and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. 

The Derry Ringers will present Arnold B. Sherman’s Laudation and Paul McKlveen’s, The Hills are Bare at Bethlehem featuring Claire Folts on viola. Janice Click Holl will present Dan Forrest’s See Amid the Winter’s Snow. We welcome back to Derry mezzo-soprano Amy Yovanovich, who will share Pietro Yon’s Gesù Bambino. Mitchell Sensenig-Wilshire will join Amy in the beloved carol, O Holy Night. He will also sing the classic Christmas song, The Birthday of a King.

Join the choirs of Derry Church as they worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who has come to bring light and peace to this world! Come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.