This Week’s 11-Minute Lesson Tackles a Timely Topic
May 11, 20228:45 & 11:45 AM IN THE CHAPEL • LED BY PASTOR STEPHEN
We interrupt the regular 11-Minute Lesson series to discuss what the Bible does and does not say about topics related to what we term abortion. Many people have been asking these questions or assuming the Bible is completely silent on the topic. The Bible simultaneously says more than people think in relation to abortion and less than people often want on either side of this issue.
This will not be a political or judicial discussion. If people want to have a time to model faithful discussion on difficult topics that can be arranged, but this is not that time. This class will solely be a Bible study examining what the texts say and how the texts have been understood by Jews and Christians through the centuries. Often the same texts are held up by both sides of the debate by using different interpretations. If you would like to know more, you’re invited to join Pastor Stephen in the Chapel following both worship services. Note that 11 Minute Lessons may last longer than 11 minutes this week.