Coming Soon: Mission Madness IX!

The excitement! The fun! The epic emails written by commissioner Pete Steelman! Yes, folks: it’s almost time to make your “March Madness” bracket picks in support of Derry Church’s “Mission Madness” fundraiser that benefits scholarships for Presbyterian Education Board students in Pakistan.

A suggested $10 donation per entry can be made on the church’s secure online giving portal or see Pete in the Narthex on Sunday morning. If you participated last year, you should be automatically re-enrolled in the Yahoo site where you will enter your picks. If you are new, or unsure if you played before, or have a new email address, just email Pete Steelman and he will add you to the mailing list.

In the past eight years, Derry has raised over $18,000 for the Sargodha Scholarship Fund, and we hope to build on that by eclipsing last year’s record of 200+ participants! A trophy and engraved plaque for the overall winner will be presented next month, as well as multiple engraved medals for winners of subgroups (Best Youth, Best in Staff, Best on Session, Best in Music etc). And yes, you can also look forward to Pete’s traditional nicknames, updates, and jovial banter that recaps the action after every round of games.