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- Re-elected Greg Taylor as President and Tracey Kinney as Vice President of the Derry Presbyterian Church, Inc.
- Approved the use of the church building for the following events:
- Susquehanna Chorale’s 2026 spring concert on May 15 of that year
- Double Keyed concert and reception Sunday, October 26, 2025
- Use of Fellowship Hall for pickle ball on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 3-4:30 pm. Derry member, Sandy Ballard, will oversee sign ups and scheduling.
- Approved the Sacrament of Baptism for Natalie Anne Talhelm, daughter of Lauren and Daniel Talhelm on Sunday, May 25.
- The Clerk presented the 2024 Church Statistical Report, which was reviewed and approved.
- Approved the schedule of communion services for 2025, including permitting the children in the sacraments class to help serve communion along with the parents at the Maundy Thursday service, and communion at the Women’s Weekend Retreat.
- The Personnel Committee submitted, and Session approved, revised nursery staff position descriptions that changed the titles of the positions and clarified reporting requirements.
- Approved a meeting of the College of Deacons and Elders for Saturday, May 3 from 9 to noon on the topic of emergency preparedness. A presentation from security specialist Bubba Fatula will be presented from 9 to 11 with the final hour addressing information specific to Derry. Anyone who has served as a deacon or elder at Derry is invited to attend.
- Session supported a request from Derry’s scout troops to open three new accounts at Northwest Savings Bank for Troop 2200 (girls’ troop), Troop 200 (boys’ troop) and Pack 200 (Cub Scouts).
- Reviewed a Capital Procurement Requisition from the Communications and Technology committee to purchase and install two TV’s in the Sanctuary Lounge so that worshippers using the space will be able to see the same service content as those in the Sanctuary. Also, upgrades will be made to the two existing narthex monitors and one monitor in the lower level library so that video distribution can be run to these TVs. Session will be voting on this CPR at the March stated meeting.